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Independent, Authorized General Agent for
            Those who are always right. They may not know the right   Those who see only through their own eyes. No matter
            questions to ask, but they never run short on having the   how vigorously denied, we’re all held in the clutches of
            right answers. The more you attempt to convince them   biases that color our picture of the world. It’s the stuff that
            otherwise, the more they feel cornered and the more they   causes some to misunderstand and righteously reject ideas                                                                              An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Assciation
            resist. They’re favorite spot is standing outside the circle   and actions that differ from their own.
            and criticizing.
                                                                   Those who equate quantity with quality. Years ago, a
            Those who always see flaws. Uncovering flaws is a useful   student came to his 10th grade civic class carrying a
            skill for improving the quality of our work. But some flaw-  ridiculously thick binder filled with newspaper clippings.
            finding can be self-serving when it’s used to improve one’s   Today, he would download endless articles from the
            position by embarrassing or attacking others.          Internet. Either way, the results are the same: a stack of stuff
                                                                   but little or no understanding.
            Those who don’t think things through. An analytical
            approach takes time and, more often than not, requires   While most of those we encounter throughout our careers
            deferring decisions until more data is available. But that   are helpful and supportive, there are others whose actions
            doesn’t satisfy those who want action. “By the time we get   can cause us trouble. So, what’s the best way to
            around to making a decision,” they say, “It’ll be too late.”   avoid being blindsided and hurt? Stay alert
            Pushing things through rather than thinking them through is   and remember, someone is out to get you.
            dangerous.                                             Count on it.

            Those who second-guess everyone and everything. No     John Graham of GrahamComm is a
            matter how hard you try to draw them into a discussion,   marketing and sales strategy consultant and
            they sit by silently while the members of the team wrestle   business writer. He is the creator of “Magnet
            with the issues. It’s then that the second-guessers come to   Marketing,” and publishes a free monthly
            life to let it be known why it won’t work, why it will fail.  eBulletin, “No Nonsense Marketing & Sales Ideas.”
                                                                   Contact him at,
                                                                   617-774-9759 or
            Most of us can’t choose our co-workers,
                   team members, or business associates.
               Nonetheless, we can avoid being blindsided by those who,
                       often unintentionally, would throw us off course.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Contact EBRM Today at
                                                                                                                                     THERES’S NO LONGER A REASON TO GO  IT ALONE.
                                                                                                                                     Be the Health Insurance Expert Your Clients Expect!                                                                                (800) 982-EBRM (3276)
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                                                                                                                                     THE LARGEST GA FOR BLUE CROSS  AND BLUE SHIELD  OF ILLINOI S
            28     insight                                                                                    july 2017
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