Page 5 - Jewish News_Sept2021
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FEDERATION NEWS September 2021 5A
Shep Englander...continued from previous page
miliar with the community, as his accomplished and brilliant leaders. Connecting with the community children were born. “She is continuing
mother had been wintering in Saraso- When I first imagined the Sarasota Shep understands that one thing Jews to do therapy for her Cincinnati clients
ta for eight years. “My mom still lives community, I thought of it as a beau- are not is monolithic, and that being by Zoom from our house right now,”
outside New York City, and what she tiful, lovely place, but I had no idea Jewish means something different to Shep said.
loves about Sarasota is the arts and cul- Established 1971 about the brain power I would encoun- each individual person. “That means The couple has three children. The
ture, which is at a level to which she PUBLISHER ter here,” he said. that we must have lots of different eldest, Gabriel, just graduated with his
was accustomed after living in New The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee He was also impressed with the entry points and offer lots of different doctorate in environmental economics
York all her life,” Shep said. “When The Larry & Mary Greenspon tremendous growth taking place on options. We need to be sensitive to and will be working as an economist for
she heard I was thinking about looking Family Campus for Jewish Life the Gulf Coast. “Sarasota is experi- people’s interests, and the new campus the World Bank in Washington, D.C.
at other communities, she went right to Klingenstein Jewish Center encing explosive growth, and it is also will allow people to create their own “This past Thanksgiving, Gabriel and
580 McIntosh Road
work advocating for Sarasota. Sarasota, FL 34232-1959 getting younger, meaning families are journey and find their own ways to his fiancé decided to give up on hav-
“My wife Hayley was neck and Phone: 941.371.4546 looking for Jewish cultural and educa- connect,” Shep said. ing a normal wedding during the pan-
neck with my mom in terms of advo- Fax: 941.378.2947 tional opportunities,” he said. “All of demic, and we had their
cating for me to apply for the Sarasota E-mail: this growth and change brings oppor- wedding ceremony at
position. Hayley and I are both out- Website: tunities for innovating and trying new our house,” Shep said.
doors people and Hayley is a passion- Published Monthly models, which is very exciting. My Their daughter Lila
ate tennis player. Today, she is already Volume 51, Number 8 initial impression is that the people I graduated with her
on tap to join a team at the Lakewood September 2021 have met are extremely dedicated, pas- bachelor of science de-
Ranch Tennis Center. We are also en- 56 pages sionate, upbeat and happy to be here. gree in economics and
joying our mutual love of kayaking, USPS Permit No. 167 They are optimistic and excited about is working at the Uni-
which, wonderfully, we can now do October 2021 Issue Deadlines: the future.” versity of Chicago as
right outside our new back door.” Editorial: August 26, 2021 Looking ahead part of a research fel-
With the decision made, Shep has Advertising: September 3, 2021 Shep has been impressed with the part- lowship. “She is work-
been busy in the months since his ap- CHANGE OF ADDRESS: nership that the Federation has with the ing for an economics
pointment, familiarizing himself with Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther civic community and, in particular, the At the Englanders’ oldest son’s Bar Mitzvah ceremony professor who teaches
the Federation and the community. or call 941.371.4546 x0 arts and cultural organizations. “The shortly after the family moved to Cincinnati in 2004 at the university, and
“Like Cincinnati, I have found arts and cultural life here is remark- “Our recent Community Study is dating a young man she met while
that Sarasota attracts people who un- PRESIDENT able, and I love the fact that the Jewish showed that this community is very di- serving in the Israel Defense Forces.”
derstand the value of community,” he Randon Carvel community is so involved and that the verse. What’s important is not just the The only child that will be com-
said. “Sometimes, in very large cities, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Federation has partnered with those or- religious part of being Jewish, but also ing to Florida is their youngest, Jake.
it can be harder to make connections. I Shep Englander ganizations in so many ways,” he said. the cultural and social connections that He will be attending Beacon College,
have based my career in medium-sized He is also committed to support- allow people to express their personal which is on the way to Orlando, close
cities, which both my wife and I have SENIOR DIRECTOR OF ing and strengthening the Federation’s values,” Shep said. “For those who are enough for lots of weekend visits.
found to be more personal and dynam- COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING Community Relations Council. “These looking for religious services and ritu- Their home, on the Braden River,
ic.” Marty Katz councils were established in the 1930s al, we want to support the synagogues is ideal for one of their favorite hob-
One of the first things that attracted when antisemitism was preventing and rabbis, and help them retain and bies – kayaking. “When we bought
Shep to Sarasota was the brain power MANAGING EDITOR Jews from getting into schools, grad- find new members. But local and na- this house, we bought it with the plan
of the community members and the Ted Epstein uate programs, careers and neigh- tional demographic studies show that that my mom will live with us in the
volunteer leadership. “I have already ADVERTISING SALES borhoods, and limiting their options an increasing percentage of Jewish winter,” Shep said. “At the age of 86,
met so many incredibly successful, Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307 in many ways. CRCs have been very mom is still kayaking, and is
continued on next page successful in reducing antisemitism, the one who instilled my love
PROOFREADERS primarily by building coalitions with for getting outside and out on
Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan, other ethnic, religious and cultural the water.”
Elliot Ofsowitz, Jeff Sherman, groups, and by educating the commu- In closing
Jill Simons, Linda Stern, nity about what we have in common Shep is looking forward to
Bryna Tevlowitz
and what is unique to each of us,” Shep immersing himself in his
MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of explained. “In the past decade, we have new community through a
Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of unfortunately seen a rise in old-school variety of meet-and-greet
news and features of special interest to the antisemitism and new-school anti- events and a listening tour.
Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
provide a forum for the exchange of ideas Israel-ism. CRCs are essential to com- “We are setting up oppor-
and opinions in the Jewish community, and bat both of these types of prejudices.” Shep and Hayley Englander enjoy kayaking tunities for Shep to meet
to communicate the mission, activities and Security is also high on Shep’s list families are also interested in connect- with people in their homes, neigh-
achievements of the Federation and its Jew- of priorities. “When I started as CEO ing socially and culturally, as well. At borhoods and synagogues, and
ish community partners. in Cincinnati, if you looked at my pri- the end of the day, we have to meet find out what they think are the
OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara- orities for the first five years, security people where they are and give them strengths of this community, what they
sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those did not even make the list. But, in the what they are looking for,” Shep said. feel is missing and ways in which they
of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- past five years, I have spent as much Family matters would like to become more involved.
tee, its Board of Directors or staff. as one-quarter of my time on security Shep’s wife Hayley earned her mas- “Ultimately, what I want is to create
SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub- ter’s degree in clinical social work
ject to editing for space and content, and matters,” he said. “We simply cannot the best possible Federation for this
may be withheld from publication without allow anything to slip when it comes from Smith College, and has been a community,” Shep said. “I look for-
prior notice. Approval of submissions for to security.” psychotherapist since before their three ward to making that happen.”
publication in either verbal or written form
shall always be considered tentative, and
does not imply a guarantee of any kind.
Submissions must be sent electronically to STAY L’Chayim
LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
words, must be typed, and include the writer’s CONNECTED
name, mailing address and phone number.
Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
( Not all letters will
be published. Letters may be edited for length
and content. Here’s “to Life” on the Gulf Coast
ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right
to refuse any advertisement and may require Committed to the Jewish Community for over 20 years,
the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad. Stacy is passionate about real estate and strives
Publication of advertisements does not con- to build ever-lasting relationships based on exceptional service,
stitute endorsement of products, services or
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.com/jfedsrq 1605 Main Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 • 941.951.6660