Page 14 - Jewish News_February-2021
P. 14
14A February 2021 FEDERATION NEWS
CRConnect: Question of the month
By David Millstone
ach month, CRConnect brings However, Israel has made it clear and the nuclear agreement has resulted of the JCPOA, Iran increased its
you a question you may have, it opposes a return to the nuclear in several Arab countries fundamental- aggression including stepping up
Eor one you may be asked, about agreement. Prime Minister Netanyahu ly changing their approach to Israel. the funding of Hezbollah, Hamas
Israel or antisemitism. Our goal is to The JCPOA and other terrorist groups to nearly
provide you with material to help you Robert and Esther Heller does not stop Iran $1 billion annually.
answer them. This month’s question is: from developing Iran violated the JCPOA in 2016
Why does Israel oppose the U.S. CRC nuclear weapons. by consistently exceeding the ne-
reentering the nuclear agreement Instead, it pro- gotiated threshold for heavy water
with Iran? vides a pathway (a key component in nuclear weap-
In his July 2020 “Vision for Amer- for the develop- ons).
ica’s Future,” President Joe Biden stat- ment of them. Iran violated the spirit of the agree-
ed, “If Tehran returns to compliance stated, “We must stick to an uncompro- There is no limit in the JCPOA on re- ment by testing ballistic missiles
with the deal [Joint Comprehensive mising policy of ensuring that Iran not search and development. This enables capable of reaching Israel.
Plan of Action or JCPOA], President develop nuclear weapons.” He went on Iran to build critical infrastructure for Iran continued to acquire materi-
Biden would re-enter the agreement....” to say the world must “stop Iran’s ag- completing its nuclear arsenal when als and do research and develop-
The President’s proposal was endorsed gressive behavior, including its support the JCPOA expires in less than 10 ment to enable it to develop illegal
in a letter by 150 House Members. for terror.” Israel’s opposition to Iran years. With the expiration of its obli- weaponry, particularly in the field
gations under the JCPOA in 2030, Iran of nuclear technology.
will be able to have a nuclear arsenal in Given Iran’s threat for the com-
place. plete destruction of Israel, combined
Reentering the JCPOA and lift- with providing weapons to Hamas in
UROLOGY TREATMENT CENTER ing the sanctions which have severely Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, and
inserting its elite troops in Syria, there
impacted Iran will enable Iran to once
• BARZELL • GREEN • AKARY • again provide more weapons and more is no wonder why Israel opposes the
funding to terrorist elements in the reentry by President Biden into the
WINSTON E. BARZELL, MD, FACS, FRCS Middle East. Because of the sanctions, JCPOA.
Diplomate of the American Board of Urology Iran has had to cut back on some of For more detailed information and
JOSHUA T. GREEN, MD, FACS its funding and weapons for Hezbol- original source material, please visit
Diplomate of the American Board of Urology lah, Hamas the Houthis and other ter- the Federation website at
EIHAB AKARY, MD rorist groups. The JCPOA will lead to crconnect.
Urologist further destabilization of the Middle Next month’s question:
Aren’t Israel’s settlements in the
CASIE WODZIEN, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC East. Israel opposed the JCPOA orig- West Bank a violation of international
3325 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 200 6310 Health Parkway, Suite 210 4351 Cortez Road, Suite 201 inally because of its many flaws. The law?
Sarasota, FL 34239 Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Bradenton, FL 34210 concerns Israel expressed were justi- Any opinions expressed in this article
fied by what occurred almost imme- are those of the author and not nec-
PHONE: 941.917.8488
FAX: 941.917.8475 a Division of 21 Century Oncology diately after implementation of the essarily those of The Jewish News or
JCPOA in January 2016. The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
Immediately after implementation Manatee.
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