Page 5 - Jewish News_December-2020
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FEDERATION NEWS December 2020 5A
Why I choose to support
Youth Mental Health First Aid
By Amy Falk Weinberger, M.S. Ed., Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainer
Established 1971 remember when I was a young girl (ADHD), communion signs and symp- The goal has been to make Mental
PUBLISHER I toms of substance abuse use; how to Health First Aid Training as common
playing in the neighborhood, I had
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
The Larry & Mary Greenspon plenty of scrapes and boo boos. My interact with a child or adolescent in as traditional first aid and CPR. Men-
Family Campus for Jewish Life mom worked full-time, and I needed crisis; and how to connect the person tal Health First Aid has strong evi-
Klingenstein Jewish Center some general first aid. Ricky’s mom with help. Mental Health First Aid dence backing it. One qualitative and
580 McIntosh Road from down the street always came to training has also expanded content on three quantitative studies have shown
Sarasota, FL 34232-1959 my aid with some mercurochrome and trauma, addiction, self-care, and the that the program: 1) improves people’s
Phone: 941.371.4546 a bandage depending on the severity of impact of social media and bullying. mental health, 2) increases understand-
Fax: 941.378.2947
E-mail: the cut. Trainees also learn risk factors and ing of mental health issues and treat-
Website: What if the adults in our communi- warning signs of mental illness and ad- ments, 3) connects more people with
Published Monthly ty had some general first aid to assist in diction, and about available treatments. care and 4) reduces stigma.
Upon completion, participants have a
We cannot fix everyone, but we
Volume 50, Number 11
December 2020 better understanding of the impact men- can be aware, and we can be informed
56 pages tal illnesses and addictions have on a and we can respond better. That’s why
USPS Permit No. 167 person, their family and communities. I became a Mental Health First Aid
January 2021 Issue Deadlines: Several dates are available to be- Trainer!
Editorial: December 1, 2020 come trained during December, Janu- To register for a training session,
Advertising: December 4, 2020 ary, February, April and May. visit For more in-
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Need more of a reason? Here are formation, contact Trudi Krames at
Inquiries can be sent to Bonnie Souther the facts. As of 2018, there were more or 941.706.0037.
at than one million people trained in Men- Amy Falk Weinberger is a co-founder
or call 941.371.4546 x0 tal Health First Aid in the U.S. by a net- of The Lean on Me Project, a direct ac-
PRESIDENT work of more than 12,000 instructors. cess avenue for middle school and high
Randon Carvel Amy Falk Weinberger The program was originally created in school students who typically do not
mental health crisis? What if there was Australia in 2001 under the auspices receive services in school settings be-
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER a course that trained us how to be better of the University of Melbourne, and cause they do not qualify. Since 1986,
Howard Tevlowitz stewards of helping each other by using is now international with programs in Amy has helped more than 8,000 stu-
common language and specific skills to countries such as the United Kingdom, dents achieve their own personal edu-
COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING help others cope with mental health or China, Canada, Finland and Singapore. cational and mental health successes.
Marty Katz substance abuse problems? What if the
Now access private sessions
custodial staff at a school or an office Now access private sessions
MANAGING EDITOR building, a bus driver, a grandmother or
from home via
Ted Epstein grandfather, a religious school teacher from home via
or a neighbor were better equipped to
ADVERTISING SALES help provide aid? I think our commu-
Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307
nities would be better!
PROOFREADERS For some adults, it is a natural in-
Edward D. Cohen, Rhonda Kaplan, clination to want to help others, but
Marianne Mandell, Elliot Ofsowitz, how? Through Mental Health First Aid
Jeff Sherman, Jill Simons, Linda Stern, Training, all community members who
Bryna Tevlowitz are interested in being approachable,
accessible and safe can learn a five-
Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of step action plan to help loved ones,
news and features of special interest to the colleagues, neighbors and others cope.
Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to We don’t have to fix it, but like the
provide a forum for the exchange of ideas traditional First Aid and CPR, Mental
and opinions in the Jewish community, and Health First Aid is help provided to a
to communicate the mission, activities and
achievements of the Federation and its Jew- person experiencing a mental health 941.316.6893
ish community partners. crisis until professional treatment is yogatherapywithpaula@gmail Complimentary Consultation
obtained or the crisis resolves. Mental
OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of Sara-
sota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect those Health First Aid is an evidence-based
of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- public education and prevention tool.
tee, its Board of Directors or staff. It improves the public’s knowledge of
SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub- mental health and substance use prob-
ject to editing for space and content, and lems and connects people with care for
may be withheld from publication without their mental health or substance use
prior notice. Approval of submissions for problems.
publication in either verbal or written form
shall always be considered tentative, and This is why The Jewish Federa-
does not imply a guarantee of any kind. tion of Sarasota-Manatee, through
Submissions must be sent electronically to the generous support of sponsors Bun- ny Skirboll and Joan & Brian Wides,
LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300 has made the decision to sponsor this
words, must be typed, and include the writer’s incredible program. Federation is com-
name, mailing address and phone number. mitted to providing opportunities for
Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
( Not all letters will members of our greater community to
be published. Letters may be edited for length become trained in Youth Mental Health
and content. First Aid. Trainees are from all walks
ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right of life and include school personnel,
to refuse any advertisement and may require law enforcement, faith-based commu-
the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad. nities, hospital and nursing home staff,
Publication of advertisements does not con- families and young people. Communi-
stitute endorsement of products, services or
ideas promoted therein. ty Trainees go through an eight-hour
training program. It teaches them a
five-step action plan for intervention;
how to recognize common signs and
symptoms of mental illness, including
anxiety, depression, eating disorders,
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
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