Page 14 - Jewish News_January 2020
P. 14

14A                          January 2020                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

                                 SINGLE?                                        Volunteer Spotlight
             MEET WITH SWFL'S TOP MATCHMAKER                                    The perfect equation

                                Mimi  began  her career in Matchmaking 24
                                years  ago  under  Patti  Stanger,  Bravo  TV's  By Sandy Chase
                                Millionaire  Matchmaker.  After  her  brief             dina Schwartz has created her   Jewish holidays.
                                stint, Mimi decided to go out on her own on             perfect equation:                 “Female  students,” Adina recalls,
                                a  personal  crusade  to  bring  harmony,       AV = C + P + R E                      “would remark that as their role mod-
                                passion, and true love to those who want to         Whether  she  is V  = Volunteering   el, I convinced them that they could
                                live in happiness.                              or  it’s a  Vocation,  her  Commitment,   achieve success. Other students were
                                                                                Passion and Rewarding Experience are   inspired that immigrants could realize
         As  the  founder of  My  Top  Matchmaker, Sarasota and  Naples  clients
         experience  the  benefit  of  what  the  company  slogan  proudly  bears  constant.                          their dreams.”
                                                                                                                          Adina explains  why she didn’t
                                                                                    Adina has repeatedly demonstrat-
         "America's Top Matchmaker."                                            ed how this equation applies to her as   embrace  Judaism until she moved to

         Mimi  brings  premium advice, a  magical mystical intuitive quality  to  a volunteer at The Jewish Federation   Sarasota two years ago, after retiring.

         her  matchmaking,  and  clients  love  her  southern  charm,  hospitality,  of Sarasota-Manatee or as an eco-  “I was too busy raising a daughter and

         and  kindness.  Her  number  1  piece  of  advice  for  Sarasota  singles...?  nomics professor.             pursuing my teaching career to join a
         "Call me."                                                                 The Chair of the May 2019 Yom     temple  or volunteer, although occa-
                                                                                Ha’atzmaut  (Israeli  Independence    sionally  my  daughter  and  I attended
                The Sizzle Factor                 Guaranteed                    Day)  celebration,  and  volunteer  for   Jewish events in Wisconsin – hardly a
                                                                                several Federation events, Adina says,
                                                                                “Volunteering is my reward. Fulfilling    Captivated  by Sarasota,  Adina
        Mimi practices an opposites       Handcrafted introductions without     my life, it helps me reconnect
        attract philosophy and believes it's  the use of computer software.     to Judaism while contribut-
        friction that causes the flames to  Accurate, verified profiles, screened  ing to Jewish life in Sara-
        ignite and firmly believes        and qualified by My Top               sota.”
        unearthing a client's history gives  Matchmaker.                            Teen  and  Family  Pro-
        her the fuel to feed those potential                                    gram  Coordinator  Andrea
        sparks,                                                                 Eiffert,  who  worked  closely
                                                                                with Adina on the communi-
                Pre-Date Planning                   Concierge                   ty-wide celebration, attests to
                                                                                Adina’s unwavering commit-
                                                                                ment. “Adina immediately
          Dating Etiquette Education        Dining recommendations for the      accepted  the invitation  to
          Instantaneous Talking Points      first date                          co-chair the event, ultimately
          Expert Analysis                   Event recommendations for           becoming the chair when her
          Premiere Advice                   second date                         partner  couldn’t  continue.
          Personal Service                                                      Adina’s enthusiasm and posi-
                                                                                tive attitude were infectious.
                   Feedback                        Local                        She cared deeply about every
                                                                                detail of the event.”
                                                                                    Adina’s  words  reflect   Adina Schwartz with Federation President Randon Carvel
       Share your feelings with us! Enjoy  Enjoy meeting quality singles in     her commitment,  insights and collab-  says, “The  rich  culture  and  majestic
       your open line of communication   your community!                        orative  spirit:  “I worked closely  with   sunsets are  phenomenal.  After meet-
       with your matchmaker!                                                    Andrea and Sydney Harlow, Program     ing with Linda Silver, the Federation’s
                                                                                Director for Gulf Coast Hillel, helping   retired  Chief  Human  Resources  Offi-
            Have Mimi Lee find you your perfect match.RESERVE
                    YOUR FREE CONSULTATION NOW!                                 to establish the framework and logis-  cer, at a volunteer recruitment event, I
             Visit: OR Call: (941) 773-9527                 tics.”  Winking,  Adina says, “It’s not   knew I wanted to reconnect with Jew-
                                                                                every day that the Federation invites
                                                                                                                      ish culture and the community. I was
                                                                                camels.”                              ready to plant roots.”
                                                                                    Excitedly, she says, “You should’ve   Linda  says, “A special  woman,
                                                                                seen the camel races and savored such   Adina’s deeply committed  to her Ju-
                                                                                foods like falafel, baklava and Israeli   daism. As  an  Israeli  and  former  IDF
                                                                                pastries.  We also had a shuk, where   member, she’s passionate about Israel.
                                                                                guests could buy Israeli delicacies and   She’s done a wonderful job chairing
                                                                                products.  Israeli  music,  dances  and   Yom Ha’atzmaut  and dedicates  her
                                                                                self-defense demonstrations were out-  time to Just Reel Films and the Jewish
                                                                                standing.”                            Film Festival.”
                                                                                    Shunning  credit  for  success, Adi-  Jeremy  Lisitza,  Director  of  In-
                                                                                na  says, “It  wouldn’t  have  happened   novation  and  Volunteer  Engagement,
                                   ANNUAL                                       without  Andrea’s guidance,  Sydney’s   and Rosann Black, Chair of Just Reel
                       COMMUNITY CELEBRATION                                    support and our Jewish community      Films, agree that whether it’s welcom-
                                                                                partners’ exchange of ideas. Attendee   ing guests, introducing films or usher-
                                                                                satisfaction  is paramount,  and they
                                                                                                                      ing, Adina does it with all her heart.
                     Celebrating                                                loved the event.”                     about the Federation. “Everyone wel-
                                                                                                                          Adina is exuberant  when talking
                                                                                    Born in Bucharest, Romania, dur-
                                                                                ing Communist rule, Adina – shrouded   comes me  at my ‘home  away from
                  Your Legacy                                                   in  fear  –  covertly  celebrated  Jewish   home.’”
                                                                                holidays. Having waited 12 years, she
                                                                                                                          Teaching online also enriches her
                                                                                                                      life. Adina’s email address – combin-
                                                                                and  her  family  were  finally  allowed
                                                                                to immigrate  to Israel.  Seeing  great   ing econ with fun – gives insight into
                                                                                promise, Israeli educators promoted   her primary hobby. “Helping students
                            SAVE THE DATE                                       Adina from the 8  to 10  grade. Upon   understand  how the  U.S. and world
                                                                                high-school  graduation,  she served   economies work rewards me personal-
                         Thursday, April 2, 6:30 pm                             two years in the Israel Defense Forces   ly. I love when students find economics
                               at Michael’s On East                             (IDF). Having earned her undergradu-  exciting.” Other hobbies include read-
                                      with                                      ate degree in economics from Hebrew   ing, exercising and walking with Lily,
                                                                                University, she moved  to  the  United   her dog.
                             Keynote Speaker                                    States to continue her education.         Adina says, “My father  gave  me

                           Rabbi Daniel Cohen                                       Adina remembers her graduate      my freedom – telling me to do some-
                                                                                studies at the University of Wisconsin-  thing about it.”
                                    Rabbi Cohen shares his unique blend of      Milwaukee. “I worked as a teaching as-    V = C + P + R E proves that she
                                    wisdom and spiritual insight. He is the     sistant to pay for tuition until I became   has.
                                    author of What Will They Say About You      an  economics  professor for  Lakeland   If you are interested in volunteering,
                                    When You Are Gone? Creating a Life of       University in  Wisconsin, associated   there are many ways to contribute and
                                    Legacy, and Senior Rabbi of Congrega-
                                    tion Agudath Sholom in New England.         with the United Church of Christ.”    be part of the volunteer life at the Fed-
                                                                                    The only Jew – and woman – in     eration. For more information, please
                                                                                the business-administration  division,   contact Jeremy Lisitza, Director of In-
                                                                                Adina explains how she’d share high-  novation and Volunteer Engagement,
                                                                                lights of Judaism, offering her students   at 941.343.2113 or
               Event Chair:                                                     apples and honey and other foods for
               Nelle S. Miller                   Contact Gisele Pintchuck
                                                       941.707.0029 or


                                                                                                            THE STRENGTH OF A PEOPLE. THE POWER OF COMMUNITY.
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