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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                          January 2020                                     5A

                                          Deborah Lipstadt to speak on

 This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by   “Anti-Semitism Here and Now”
 The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-
 rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous   By Gayle Guynup
 dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living   Established 1971  his year’s Community Lecture,   their legacy was riding   tism Here and Now, was pub-
 in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that   PUBLISHER  hosted by  The Jewish Fed-  on me.”  lished in January 2019. The
 support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee  Teration of Sarasota-Manatee,   Lipstadt’s TED talk   book is written  in  the  form
           The Larry & Mary Greenspon
 Your generous support is found in our Overseas Granting  Cycle.  See the     Family Campus for Jewish Life   will feature Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, who   about the trial  has re-  of a series of letters between
 article below for more information.  Klingenstein Jewish Center   has written and taught about the Ho-  ceived  close  to 1.2   a college student,  Abigail,

              580 McIntosh Road           locaust  for 40 years.  The event,  held   million views, and the                    and a well-intentioned, non-
            Sarasota, FL 34232-1959       at the Sarasota Municipal Auditorium   movie  Denial, star-                          Jewish law school professor,
              Phone: 941.371.4546         (801 N.  Tamiami  Trail, Sarasota) at   ring Rachel Weisz and                        Joe. The questions raised in
               Fax: 941.378.2947          7:00 p.m. on  Tuesday, February 25,   Tom  Wilkinson,  with                          the letters are based on actual
         E-mail:   will address “Anti-Semitism Here and   a screenplay by David                         questions that  she has been
           Website:       Now,” which is also the title  of Lip-  Hare, tells the story    Deborah Lipstadt    asked about anti-Semitism.
             Published Monthly            stadt’s most recent book. Thank you to   of the historic legal battle. The film is   Lipstadt,  who  defines  anti-Semi-
            Volume 50, Number 1           our lead sponsor, Hannah  and Norman   based on Lipstadt’s book,  History on   tism as “not the hatred of people who
                January 2020              Weinberg, and our gold sponsor, Alle-  Trial: My Day in Court with a Holo-  happen  to be Jews,” but rather, “the
                  52 pages                giant Private Advisors.               caust Denier (Harper Collins 2006),   hatred of people because they are
             USPS Permit No. 167              Lipstadt,  the  Dorot  Professor  of   recently  reissued as  Denial (Harper   Jews,” said that  Anti-Semitism  Here

        February 2020 Issue Deadlines:    Holocaust Studies at Emory University   Collins 2016).  Denial will be shown   and Now examines  the  state of anti-
          Editorial: December 26, 2019    in Atlanta, is the author of six books   as part of the Just Reel  Film Series   Semitism today. “When I first began to
         Advertising: December 27, 2019   and  numerous articles,  and  is widely   on  Tuesday, January 14 at  7:00 p.m.   write the book, some people asked why
                                          known because  of the  libel  lawsuit   Visit  to register.   I was writing  it. As time  progressed,
            CHANGE OF ADDRESS:            brought against her in 1996 by David   Lipstadt  grew up in New  York City,   those people stopped asking why I was
        Change of address inquiries can be    Irving for having  called  him a Holo-  first on the upper West Side and then in   writing it. Now those same people are
           sent to Paula Ivory-Bishop     caust denier. After a 10-week trial in   Queens, in a Modern Orthodox family.   asking for an updated version, though
            at       London (in 2000), the judge found for   She said she first became immersed in   the book has only been out for less than
             or call 941.371.4546 x0      Lipstadt, and found Irving to be a neo-  the Holocaust when she was a student   one year.”
      PRESIDENT                           Nazi who “perverts history and engag-  in Israel in 1966 and 1967.              Her  other  books include  Holo-
      Randon Carvel                       es in racist and anti-Semitic discourse.”     “When  I  first  arrived,  survivors   caust:  An  American  Understanding,

      CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER             The Daily  Telegraph in London de-    were everywhere. I felt the impact of   and The Eichmann Trial. Lipstadt was
      Howard Tevlowitz                    scribed the trial as having “done for the   the Holocaust. I was also in Israel dur-  an historical  consultant  to the  United
                                          new century what the Nuremberg tribu-  ing the Six-Day War and that had a big   States  Holocaust Memorial  Museum,
      SENIOR DIRECTOR OF                  nals or the Eichmann trial did for earli-  impact on me,” she said. “But the great-  and has held a Presidential  appoint-
      COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING          er generations.” According to The New   est impact came when I began teaching   ment to the United States Holocaust
      Marty Katz                          York Times, the trial “put an end to the   in 1975. Students desperately wanted a   Memorial  Council  (from  Presidents
                                          pretense that Mr. Irving is anything but   course on the Holocaust. I taught it and   Clinton and Obama). She was asked by
      Ted Epstein                         a self-promoting apologist for Hitler.”   was asked by students what their par-  President George W. Bush to represent
                                          Lipstadt  said that  the  trial  took over   ents and grandparents knew during the   the White House at the 60  anniversary
      ADVERTISING SALES                   her life for six years. “We won a big   war. That led to my first book on the   of the liberation of Auschwitz.
      Adam Kaplan – 941.552.6307          victory – headlines worldwide – but   Holocaust,  Beyond Belief, which told     Tickets  to the event are $18.
                                          that victory subsumed the many years   the story of American press coverage   To RSVP, visit
      PROOFREADERS                        of worry about the upcoming trial, my   of the Holocaust.”                  or  call  Brieana  Duckett-Graves  at
      Edward D. Cohen, Marianne Mandell,   safety, and being told by survivors that   Her most recent book, Anti-Semi-  941.552.6305.
      Elliot Ofsowitz, Blanche Pasternak,
      Jeff Sherman, Jill Simons, Linda Stern,
      Bryna Tevlowitz
      MISSION STATEMENT: The Jewish News of
      Sarasota-Manatee strives to be the source of
      news and features of special interest to the
      Jewish community of Sarasota-Manatee, to
      provide a forum for the exchange of ideas
      and opinions in the Jewish community, and
      to communicate the mission, activities and
      achievements of the Federation and its Jew-
      ish community partners.
      OPINIONS printed in The Jewish News of
      Sarasota-Manatee do not necessarily reflect
      those of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-
      Manatee, its Board of Directors or staff.
      SUBMISSIONS to The Jewish News are sub-
      ject to editing for space and content, and
      may be withheld from publication without
      prior notice. Approval of submissions for
      publication in either verbal or written form
      shall always be considered tentative, and
      does not imply a guarantee of any kind.
      Submissions must be sent electronically to
      LETTERS to the editor should not exceed 300
      words, must be typed, and include the writer’s
      name, mailing address and phone number.
      Letters can be submitted via USPS or email
      ( Not all letters will
      be published. Letters may be edited for length
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      ADVERTISING: Publisher reserves the right
      to refuse any advertisement and may require
      the words “Paid Advertisement” in any ad.
      Publication of advertisements does not con-
      stitute endorsement of products, services or
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                                                  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
                                                  580 McIntosh Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232
                                                                                                                               This Is a FREE Event
                                                  MORE INFORMATION: Gisele Pintchuck at or 941.706.0029

                                                                                REGISTER AT

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