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FEDERATION NEWS                                                                       June/July 2021                                     7A

        People of the Book...continued from previous page
        Schell and Rene Dreyfus did not hold   why hadn’t I heard about it before?   on her mem oir Con cealed. Her pieces   hope that readers would learn certain
        political power; they were not part of   Excited and intrigued, I spent the next   have been per formed by Jew ish Wom-  lessons. For me that would have felt
        any organized resistance. But, in their   three  years  going  to  archives around   en’s  The atre  in Los  Angeles and in   formulaic. I didn’t want my memoir to
        community – racing – they decided to   the  world  hunting  down  the  confirm-  Man hat tan, and she was cho sen as its   come across as prescriptive in any way.
        take a stand, symbolic though it was,   ing evidence. And what I found was   Artist-in-Res i dence in 2019.       Since my parents were Crypto-Jews
        against German might. They took the   nothing less than a true-life Day of the   How is writing a memoir differ-  living a life of duality and duplicity in
        fight to the world in which they lived.   Jackal.  I  was hooked  and  decided  to   ent  from  other  forms  of  writing  or   the Iranian city of Mashhad, I felt the
        Today, we all  similarly  need to  take   tell this story.                  storytelling?
        stands in our own communities against     What  is  the  main  challenge  in   In order to write my memoir, I had
        injustice and aggression.             writing  a  historically  based  book,   to relive my life, live it a second time. I
                                                                                    had to peel back the layers, capture the
                                                                                    sights and smells, beginning with ear-
                                                                                    ly childhood when my Jewish parents
                                                                                    had immigrated to New York from the
                                                                                    Iranian city of Mashhad. Growing up
                                                                                    in the 1950s, I was straddling two con-
                                                                                    flicting cultures. I felt caught between
                                                                                    the Islamic world my father had hauled
                                                                                    from Mashhad into our Queens living
                                                                                    room and the  voice of freewheeling
 Neal Bascomb                                                                       20   century  U.S.A. I  had  to  remem-
 the  world who are  often  very  propri-                                           ber every  meaningful high and low,
 etary about what they have. Thankful-                                              as well  as numerous  sidesplitting  co-
 ly, I was able to convince the Dreyfus  Howard Blum /   and  how  did  you  overcome  those   medic moments which threaded their
 family to open up its personal archives  Night of the Assassins  challenges?       way throughout  my  life.  My parents,            Esther Amini
 to  me,  everything  from  photographs,  In Howard Blum’s Night of the Assas-  My books tell true stories. I ap-  who had escaped a torturous land, were   need to tell their tale and mine – one
 collections of new articles in a dozen  sins – The untold story of Hitler’s plot   ply the same standards to writing my   also bewildered by America. Recalling   that has never been told and needed to
 languages, letters and even the speech-to kill FDR, Churchill and Stalin, three   non-fiction books as I do when I do re-  the subtle details of my past required   be. That  being  said,  so many  readers
 es at Rene’s funeral. This then offered  world leaders are meeting for the first   porting for The New York Times. At the   re-experiencing them viscerally in or-  from around the world have written,
 clues on where to unearth details about  time at a top-secret conference in Teh-  same time, however, I am determined   der to pen my story authentically. Writ-  stating they not only identified with me
 Lucy’s remarkable life. As with every  ran. But the Nazis have learned about   in my books to create  a narrative,  to   ing  a  memoir  is  very  different  from   and my dilemmas,  but also were left
 book, it takes a bit of detective work.  the meeting and Hitler sees it as his last   have characters that lead the reader   other forms of writing since it demands   with insights regarding their own cul-
 What lessons or message do you  chance to turn the tide of World War II.   through the action. Therefore, before I   a deeply  personal  archaeological  dig,   tural conflicts, their own relationships
 hope  readers  will  take  away  from        take on a project, I need to see if there   along  with the  willingness  to expose   with parents and siblings, their own
 your book that will be pertinent to          is sufficient source material – memoirs,   oneself and become intimately known   journeys. The predominant takeaways
 our world today?                             documents, letters,  contemporaneous   by total strangers. Writing an open and   I often hear from others are of hope,
 Faster is a David vs. Goliath tale,          news reports and interviews – that will   honest memoir requires not only hard   resilience  and  perseverance.  Readers
 one about a small, unlikely  band of         allow me to recreate what my charac-  work but the courage to reveal.       tell me they feel inspired by my ability
 strivers who take  on the monolithic         ters are thinking and feeling through-   What lessons do you hope people    to hold onto my core, intrigued by my
 Third  Reich  motor  champions.  Lucy        out the story. When I found the source   take away from your book?          feelings of otherness, and how I found
                                              material  for  Night  of  the Assassins, I   I didn’t write Concealed with the           continued on next page
                                              felt confident I could tell a true story
                                              that was also exciting and suspenseful.
                                                  What is it that you hope readers           Temple Beth Sholom
                                              will take away from your book?
                                                   I’d like readers to be caught up in        Sarasota's Conservative Synagogue
                                              what  is  a  real-life  thriller. Yet,  at  the
                                              same  time,  I’d hope that  they’d  see                         welcomes you!
                                              how close the plot came to succeeding,
                    Howard Blum               how close history moved toward being
            Howard Blum is the author of The   changed  forever  during  five  days  in
        New  York Times  best seller  and Edgar   Tehran in 1943.
        Award win ner Amer i can Lightning as   Esther Amini / Concealed
        well  as  Want ed!,  The  Gold of  Exo-  Esther  Amini’s  mem oir,  Con cealed,
        dus,  Gang land,  The Floor of Heav en   Memoir of a Jewish-Iranian Daugh-
        and  a  2018  New  York  Times  Notable   ter Caught Between  the Chador and
        Book,  In the  Enemy’s House. While   America, is a provoca tive com ing-of-
        at The New York Times, he was twice   age saga, recount ing her youth and
        nom i nat ed  for a  Pulitzer  Prize  for   ear ly  adulthood  as  a  first-gen er a tion
        inves tiga tive report ing.           Iran ian-Amer i can  Jew ish  woman  in
            What was it that first attracted   the 1950s and ’60s. Her person al strug-
        you to the theme or subject of your   gles are inter twined with her his to ry
        book?                                 and cul ture, as she recounts the sto ry
            I first heard about this story after   of her Jew ish ances tors.                 At Temple Beth Sholom, everyone is welcome!
        Russia  decided  the  time  had  finally   Esther  Ami ni is a  writer, painter             Now, as always, TBS is your home.
        come, a full 70 years after the end of   and  psy cho an a lyt ic  psy chother a pist
        WWII, to crank open their vaults and   in  pri vate  prac tice.  Her  short  sto ries
        release  a trove of previously secret   have appeared in  Elle,  Lilith,  Tab-    Daily morning Minyan                                8:00 a.m.
        documents  that  told an extraordinary   let,  The Jew ish Week,  Barnard Mag-    Tues. Swimming in the Sea of Talmud   11:00 a.m.
        story – a German commando mission     azine  and  Prox im i ty.  She was named    Wed. Gutsy Torah                                           11:00 a.m.
        to kill the three Allied leaders during   one of Aspen Words’ two best-emerg-     Friday night service                                       6:30 p.m.
        the  Tehran Conference in November    ing mem oirists and award ed its Emerg-
        1943. Was this true? I wondered. And   ing  Writer Fel low ship in  2016  based   Saturday morning service                         10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                    Various classes and special events!
                                              For a complete schedule                          Visit our website or Facebook page for more details

                                                of events, admission                     "Where community is family and egalitarian Conservative Judaism

                                             information, author bios                   thrives in Sarasota through prayer, learning, and community service.”
                   PEOPLE OF THE BOOK                                                 1050 South Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL

                                                 and book synopses,                               941.955.8121                 TempleBethSholomFL
                                              visit                    Temple.Beth.Sholom
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