Page 10 - Jewish News_November-2020
P. 10
10A November 2020 FEDERATION NEWS
Giving thanks Where your dollars go
By Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations This series highlights mission-based programs and projects that are supported by
020 has been a rough year for Chair, Mary Collier, who, when The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. Funding for these initiatives is de-
all of us. We’ve had to deal with this summer’s antisemitism got me rived from the Annual Campaign. The series helps to explain where your generous
2extreme isolation, a more intense down, helped to lift me up. dollars are spent and features certain initiatives that enrich the lives of Jews living
24-hour news cycle, home schooling, 2. I am thankful for the outpouring of in Sarasota-Manatee, local projects with area partners, and overseas programs that
job loss, working from home, serious support from community members support the social and humanitarian needs of Jews in Israel and around the world.
health issues and, for some of us, death who want to help fight antisemi- Your generous support is found in our tenet of tikkun olam – repairing the
in our family. With no immediate end tism. world!
in sight for COVID-19, we have found 3. I am thankful to Rabbis Brenner
Glickman, Michael Shefrin and Jewish Burial Fund
Samantha Kahn for their strength. Staff Report
4. I am thankful to Rabbi Jennifer
Singer, for leading the Saraso- he Jewish Federation of Sara- grants to assist with the costs of 14
ta-Manatee Rabbinic Association sota-Manatee (JFSM) is there Jewish funerals. Federation CEO
during unprecedented times. Tfor you and your family in both Howard Tevlowitz said, “Jewish law
5. I am thankful to Sheriff Tom the good times and the bad. That is is unequivocal about the importance
Knight, Sheriff-elect Kurt Hoff- precisely why we initiated our Jewish of a proper funeral for the deceased.
man, Detective Brendan Keats, Burial Fund in 1996. In fact, attending and participating in
Detective Ron Roberson and all of Twenty-four years ago, the Grants a funeral is one of the most significant
“my guys” at the Secure Commu- Committee of the JFSM Foundation mitzvot that can be done. Our goal is
nity Network for working around Trustees (which no longer exists today) to ensure that these mitzvot continue to
the clock to help make the Jewish established the Indigent Burial Fund. happen, and that every Jewish person
community feel safe again. In 2016, as a collaboration between the who passes away in Sarasota-Manatee
6. I am thankful to my network of Federation and Chevra Kadisha, the can be honored with a traditional Jew-
JCRC (Jewish Community Rela- Jewish Burial Charitable Fund of The ish funeral.”
Jessi Sheslow tions Committee) colleagues who Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Mana- Recently, Tevlowitz received a let-
ways to adjust and adapt to our new were and continue to be a great tee was re-established. ter of thanks from a family who was
normal. support. The goal of this fund is to pro- a recipient of the Federation’s finan-
Additionally, the global Jewish 7. I am thankful that, despite its bad vide financial support to families who cial help: “I really don’t have enough
community has seen more antisemi- apples, social media has done its desire a Jewish burial for their loved words to thank the outpouring of gen-
tism than younger generations have part to keep many of us connected ones, but are financially unable to do erosity, sensitivity and caring I feel in
ever experienced. This scourge of an- to each other during a time of great so. During a time of mourning a loved this, my community. May all of the
tisemitism is another “new normal.” isolation. one, individuals shouldn’t be worried blessings that Hashem bestows flow
However, The Jewish Federation 8. I am thankful that I can work from about the financial burden that accom- to you and all who help the less fortu-
of Sarasota-Manatee and the Heller home; that I HAVE a home. panies planning a funeral. We’d much nate.”
CRC do not intend to accept this new 9. I am thankful that I get the time to rather the person be focused on what We are here for this community. If
normal. Through our work with Ho- keep practicing my challah baking really matters, such as commemorating you or someone you know is in need
locaust education and other minority skills. the deceased’s life, spending time with of financial assistance for the planning
groups in town, we intend to continue 10. I am thankful for my family (who try family and friends, sitting shiva, etc. of a funeral, please contact Howard
educating about antisemitism. Accept- my challah even when I mess up!). Since the beginning of 2015, the Tevlowitz at
ing it and adjusting to it is something 11. I am thankful that I got a cat in fund has distributed $33,874 in local or 941.371.4546.
we must never get used to. While we January. His name is Ben, but I’ve
cannot change the world with a twitch been thinking about changing it to
of a nose, we can individually work “Bendemic.” ConneCt
on gratitude – gratitude for our health, 12. I am thankful for the fresh air and
gratitude for a new year. butterflies in my backyard. We re- with your Jewish Community
With our High Holy Days having ally do live in an amazing place.
just ended and Thanksgiving upon us, 13. But most of all, I’m thankful to be
this is a time to be thankful for our part of this over-the-top incredi-
friends and family, and our communi- ble Jewish community. We may
ty. There are studies that show how im- have three opinions for every two
portant gratitude is, especially during a people, but when push comes to
pandemic. The stresses of completely shove, we are ONE.
changing our lives to ensure our safety Show us what you’re grateful for!
can affect mental and physical health in Post on social media what or who you
enormous ways. Practicing gratitude, are grateful for and use the hashtag
even for the little things, does its part #JFEDgrateful.
to keep us healthy. I want to share what For more information about the Enjoy your life!
I am thankful for: Heller CRC, contact me at jsheslow@
1. I am thankful for my Heller CRC or 941.343.2109.
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