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Keeping our community safe...continued from page 1
’S S
IT’S SO include advanced software for effi- the federal level, the Federation hosted
to keep our campus safe and secure. On
to protect our community. The plans
Congressman Buchanan and Congress-
ciently tracking and identifying visi-
tors, upgraded lighting throughout the
man Steube and their staffs for in-depth
campus and two safe rooms to protect
discussions on security needs, and both
EASY! Federation staff and visitors. The Ritter leaders are laser focused on policy
and appropriations to protect our cam-
Security and Training Center will of-
pus. County Commissioners and City
fer training and resources that benefit
the entire community with special em-
Council members are also regularly
phasis on those who work or volunteer
We continue our commitment to advo-
with faith-based institutions. Classes in updated on the campus growth plans.
first aid, CPR, hurricane preparedness cacy for our local Jewish community,
and more will be offered in addition to and are grateful for our partnership
You can now become a monthly donor to your security-centered trainings. with Shumaker Advisors, who promote
favorite organization, The Jewish Federation Security is expensive, so Feder- our messages and maintain relation-
of Sarasota-Manatee! ation staff and leadership met legis- ships with elected officials.
lators at all levels to discuss ongoing
“We appreciate our elected officials
needs and how they can help. In recent and their staffs for their commitment to
months, we have met with all our Flori- our community and understanding the
IN LESS THAN 60 SECONDS, you can easily set up da House and Senate representatives to critical importance of a safe and secure
a recurring gift of $18, $25, $50 — any amount — update them on plans for our new cam- campus,” said Randon Carvel, Feder-
ation President, who has been instru-
pus, and the response has been over-
per month and it will automatically be processed whelmingly positive. Representatives mental throughout this process.
and credited to you. With less administrative McFarland, Gregory, Robinson, Bu- For more information about Fed-
processing, that means more of your money goes chanan and Senator Gruters toured the eration’s security initiatives, contact
Jeff Solomon at
campus grounds. We virtually met with
to where it’s needed most — to the Federation’s Senator Boyd. Representative Buchan- or 866.284.4933 x0. To report an inci-
work at the forefront of Jewish life here in an and Senator Gruters are, for the sec- dent, visit
Sarasota-Manatee. ond year in a row, focused on funding
Karen and Tom Bernstein...continued from page 1
Visit and select in the Foundation and our grandchil- teens develop lifelong skills, grow in
independence, increase their self-es-
dren are becoming more familiar with
“Make my Donation Monthly Recurring.” its mission. We look forward to their teem, learn teamwork and resiliency,
participation in future years.” They create and foster friendships, connect
have supported various projects in the with nature and so much more. The
941.371.4546 United States and around the world, camp will be inclusive of all religions
and will allow non-Jewish children to
primarily by providing funds for new
playgrounds. learn about Jewish traditions.
Tommy became involved in the Plans also call for Camp Marci
Israel Tennis & Education Centers Lynn to be inclusive of children with
(ITEC) in 2001 and currently serves on special needs. The committee has
its international board. ITEC services reached out to Easterseals and the Spe-
Arab and Israeli children in economi-
cial Olympics for advice and potential
TORCH cally challenged areas throughout Isra- partnerships. Tommy says, “There are
few opportunities for special-needs chil-
el. After creating and funding the Marci
dren to enjoy a camp experience. This
Lynn Bernstein’s Doubles Coexistence
SPONSORS alized they could make a big impact a result, other children will learn about
camp will be a blessing to them and, as
Project with ITEC, the Bernsteins re-
with the plans for the camp in Sara-
tolerance, understanding and compas-
sion for those less fortunate.”
sota-Manatee. “Marci Lynn was eight
Camp Marci Lynn hopes to cre-
years old when she passed, the same
mean age for the camp, so it seemed a ate scholarship programs to help chil-
perfect fit,” says Tommy. dren of limited means be able to enjoy
The first piece of the puzzle was camp. “We will be looking for com-
the hiring of Robby Etzkin as Senior munity support to make this happen,”
Director of Camp Marci Lynn. Tommy Tommy says.
says, “We were very fortunate to be In the meantime, Tommy and Kar-
die and David Chaif
Edie and David Chaifetz able to secure Robby, who happened en, along with their family, will proud-
Leon R. and Margaret M. Ellin to live in Orlando. If we had to pencil ly dedicate Camp Marci Lynn in June
t M. Ellin
eon R. and M
2022. “The enjoyment for Karen and
out the ideal camp director, we have
Debbie and L
Debbie and Larry Haspel found him in Robby. He has camp in me will be to see the opening of the
R osen thal R oo ts F amily F oundation his DNA, from head to toe.” camp and watching it grow over the
Rosenthal Roots Family Foundation
next five years to reach full enrollment
Robby, who began in March, is in-
Sylvia and Norman Samet
S ylvia and N orman Same t spired and energized by the Bernsteins’ of up to 500 campers,” says Tommy.
Wayne Ruben, Federation board
and M
Bunny and Mort Skirboll gift and commitment. “Without their member and JFED PROUD &
generosity,” he says, “there is no Camp
H adassah and M artin S tr obel Marci Lynn, and I’ll never lose sight of STRONG Campus Construction Com-
Hadassah and Martin Strobel
ois S
Lois Stulberg that. As someone who grew up attend- mittee Chair, sums it up by saying,
ing a Jewish camp and working at Jew-
“Tommy Bernstein has been the great-
ish camps, I can’t help but look back est gift the Federation has given me.
and see how my Jewish summer camp His family is fabulous, and his drive,
experience motivated me to become ambition and street smarts will bring
a camp director and executive direc- this camp to fruition.”
For more information on Camp
tor for Jewish organizations. They’re Marci Lynn, contact Robby Etzkin at
( and help fund crucial services for people in need here ( be paving the road for the next genera- or 941.552.6308.
paying it forward and I’m excited to
We offer our very deep appreciation
to our 2020-21 Season Torch Sponsors!
tions with them as our camp partners.”
To become involved in the JFED
They support our Federation’s efforts to bring
PROUD & STRONG campaign to re-
As Tommy and Robby like to say,
quality events and programs to our local community
leaves you.” Studies show that sum-
Family Campus for Jewish Life, please
in Sarasota-Manatee, in Israel and around the world. “Campers leave camp, but camp never imagine The Larry & Mary Greenspon
mer camps have proven time and time contact Ilene Fox at
*As of 10/11/20 again to be a place where children and or 941.343.2111.