Page 6 - Jewish News_July-2020
P. 6

6                            July 2020                                                                 FEDERATION NEWS

            Now access private sessions                                             Comedian Joel Chasnoff

                 from home via                                                      returns to Sarasota

                                                                                    By Trudi Krames, Program Director
                                                                                       t’s been a few years since  come-  Jewish set, it’s very much about who I
                                                                                       dian  Joel  Chasnoff  appeared  live,   am and the subjects that matter to me
                                                                                    Ion stage, for the Sarasota-Manatee   most.
                                                                                    greater community. The Jewish Fed-    How have you personally been hand-
                                                                                    eration of Sarasota-Manatee is proud   ling existing during the pandemic?
                                                                                    to bring Joel to our area via the magic   To utilize  the over-used phrase, I’ve
                                                                                    of technology on Thursday, July 16 at   done a total  “pivot”  with my career,
                                                                                    4:30 p.m.                             taking my comedy online, like I’m do-
                                                                                       As our world has become a virtual   ing for you. At first it was a show here
                                                                                    one, entertainers have also adapted to   and there. But now it’s several a week,
                                                                                    this new way to present. In a recent in-
                                                                                    terview with Joel, we learned about his
                                                                                    upcoming virtual stand-up show, how
                                                                                    he became a performer, and why he got
                                                                                    into the show-business industry.
                                                                                    Trudi: What is your show, “Jokes I
                                                                                    Can’t Tell in My Act,” about?
                                                                                    Joel: I’ll be telling my all-time favor-
                                                                                    ite Jewish jokes and talking about why
                                                                                    they’re amazingly relevant to the Jew-
                                                                                    ish experience today. The best Jewish
                                                                                    jokes  don’t  just  make  us laugh,  they
                                                                                    tell a little story about who we are.
                                                                                    What is your background?
                                                                                    I had a pretty strong Jewish upbring-
                                    Excellence in foot and                          ing  – day  school  through  8  grade,
                                    ankle care by 8 highly                          After graduation I moved to Israel and            Joel Chasnoff
          Richard Berkun, DPM  Robert Katz, DPM                                     multiple Israel trips, Hillel in college.
                                    trained doctors.                                served in the Israeli army as a tank gun-  often two or three a night. I think com-
                                                                                    ner – one of the best/worst experiences   munities see the value – and impor-
                                    Foot & Ankle Care for the Whole Family          of my life, depending on the day. For   tance – of keeping everyone engaged.
                                                                                    the past 20 years I’ve performed stand-  What is it like doing these shows vir-
          Philip Baldinger, DPM  Garrett Harte, DPM  Same Day Appointments  |  Friendly Staff / en Español  up comedy full-time, with 90% of my   tually?
                                                                                    shows in the Jewish world.            Comedy  online  is  different.  Without
                                    3 Convenient Locations                          What do you hope viewers come         the  audience  there  in  front  of  me,  I
                                                                                    away with after watching your show?   have no way of knowing what’s work-
                                    941.360.9300                                    Firstly, that they laugh and have a good   ing and what isn’t. I ask the crowd to
           Noelis Rosario, DPM  Michelle Emery, DPM                                 time!  I’d also love for them to come   use emojis, hand signals, anything to
                                    BRADENTON                                       away with a bit of insight into why   let me know if they’re enjoying it. Au-
                                    941.758.8818                                    humor matters, and why there are so   dience interaction is one of my favorite
                                    PARRISH                                         many Jewish comedians and jokes in    parts of comedy in general.
                                    941.776.5199                                    the first place.                         To register for Joel’s virtual stand-
                                                                                    Why did you get into show business?   up comedy show, visit
          Shawniece Boss, DPM  Loyd Tomlinson, DPM
                                                                                    I’ve always loved theater, jokes and   events. Tickets are $10 per household.
                                                                                    being Jewish. What I do now is a meld-   For questions about our Federation
                                                                                    ing of all three. I’ve performed “secu-  events  and  programs,  please  contact
                                                                                    lar” stand-up comedy, too, but it’s not   me at 941.706.0037 or tkrames@jfed
                                                                                    nearly as personal or meaningful  as
                                                                                    my Jewish material. When I perform a
               Intergenerational                                                    Educating Jewish minds

                  Conversations                                                     Staff report
                                                                                           new  educational  film  partner-
                              about                                                 A                                     ty  by providing  continuing  education
                                                                                           ship has been created  thanks
                                                                                                                          about the Holocaust and the emergence
                                    ZIONISM                                         between  The Jewish Federation of     of Israel.”
                                                                                           to an innovative  collaboration
                                                                                                                             Classrooms Without Borders takes
                                                                                                                          educators from more than three states
                                                                                    Sarasota-Manatee, Heller  CRC, Just
                                                                                    Reel  Films and Classrooms  Without
                                                                                                                          curriculum  when teaching  the Ho-
                                                                                    Borders.                              to Poland to learn how to enhance their
                                                                                       Just Reel  Education  will bring   locaust.  Teachers from the Sarasota-
                                                                                    two films virtually each month to our   Manatee  community  joined  Class-
                                                                                    community, followed by post-film dis-  rooms  Without  Borders last summer,
                                                                                    cussions  via  Zoom  with  experts  and   and more were planning to participate
                                                                                    a member of the film team such as a   this summer before it  was cancelled

                                       JULY 10

                                       10:30 AM

                CARLY PILDIS has dedicated her career to fighting for justice and equality on a
                global and national scale. She was named one the 2019 Forward 50, Forward’s
                annual list of influential American Jews. She works for Tikkun Olam, healing a
                broken world, through advocacy, organizing, and writing.
                                                                                    producer, actor or director. Pairing   due to the Coronavirus. In Poland, a
                Pro-Israel advocates span generations and often speak               documentaries  with  scholars and  the   scholar-in-residence and a Holocaust
                                                                                    director/producer  of  the  film  allows   survivor join the program, which pro-
                different languages. Join us for this virtual event to              learners  to  broaden  their  knowledge   vides an in-depth learning experience.
                learn how to bridge the gap l’dor v’dor  —                          base and engage with the topic matter   Teachers  also have the ability to dis-
                                                                                    in an in-depth and personal way.      cuss new styles of teaching this topic
                from generation to generation.                                         Rosann Black, chair of Just Reel   with fellow educators.
                                                          $10 per household         Films, shares, “During the COVID-19      To register  for Just Reel  Educa-

                                                                                    crisis,  which  presented  social-emo-  tion  films,  visit
                To register, visit                              tional challenges for many in our com-  For information,  please contact  Jer-
                                                                                                                          emy  Lisitza  at or
                                                                                    munity, adaptation was the key to our
                                                                                    moving forward. Dr. Tsipy Gur, found-  941.343.2113. For more information
                                                                                    er of Classrooms Without Borders, and   about  the  Heller  CRC  or  Classrooms
                                                                                    I felt that a collaboration of our efforts   Without Borders, please contact  Jessi
                                                                                    and  sharing  our  knowledge  of  films   Sheslow at or
                                                                                    would be beneficial to our communi-   941.343.2109.

           STRONGER TOGETHER: Coronavirus Relief Fund For more information, see page 40.                                                                     Stay informed throughout the month. Sign up for the Jewish Federation’s Enewsletter at
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