Page 23 - Jewish News_May-June-2020
P. 23

JEWISH INTEREST                                                                    May/June 2020                                          23

 Interested in Your    Music in the time

 Family’s History?  of the COVID-19 virus

     By Arlene Stolnitz
        am writing this while under self-     The lyrics of this song speak to the
        imposed house quarantine follow-  situation  today  of  COVID-19,  which
     I  the  suggestion  of  officials  to   has  affected  everyone  on  this  planet.
     avoid  contact  with  others.  It  feels  so   You may  have  already  guessed the
     strange! We have always been blessed   song she heard:  “Bashana  Haba’ah”
     with a freedom  of movement,  which   by the  beloved songwriter  and  com-
     makes this so different for Americans   poser, Ehud Manor. I had written about
                       as we recalibrate   Manor’s song back in February 2017,
                       for a new normal.   and I wrote about how he created a new
                           However, it    genre for Israeli music which had pre-
                       is a beautiful sun-  viously been related to “the land, war
                       ny Florida day in   and heroism.”  Now he emphasized  a
                       March, and the     more personal and hopeful experience
                       deadline  for ar-  focusing on “pain, love and joy, repre-
                       ticles for publica-  senting  the  feelings  of contemporary
                       tion is more than   Israel.”
                       a  month  ahead;       Bashana, haba’ah/ Neishev al
        Arlene Stolnitz  so write, I must.   hamipeset/ V’nispor ziporim nod’dot….
     By the time this article reaches print, I   Next year/ We’ll sit on the porch/
 lash, led by conservative activist Phyl- can’t help but wonder what the state of   And count migrating birds/
 lis Schlafly (Cate Blanchett). A number  matters will be in this country.  Children  on  vacation/  Will  play
 of “real life” Jewish women are main   I really did have an extraordinary   tag/ Between the house and the fields.
 cast  characters:  Congresswoman  and  topic for my May article, which I was   Next year/ We will spread out our
 feminist icon BELLA ABZUG (1920- very excited about. However, I decided   hands/  Toward the radiant light./  A
 1998); pioneering feminist writer and  to set it aside for a future month. In-  white  heron/  Like  a  light  will  spread
 activist  GLORIA  STEINEM, now  stead, a comment from a friend visiting   her wings/  And within them the sun
 86; and feminist activist  and author  in Israel prompted me to rethink my   will rise.
 BETTY  FRIEDAN  (1921-2006).  subject for the month of May.  Chorus: Od tir’eh, od tir’eh/ Kama
 They are played by, respectively, Mar-  You see, my friend has been vol-  tov yihyeh/ Bashana bashana haba’ah
 go Martindale, Rose Byrne and Tracey  unteering in the Israel Defense Forces   You will  see,  you will  see/  How   Seventy-one years
 Ullman. ARI GRAYNOR, 36, appears  (IDF) in a program which aids the army   good it will be/ Next year.
 in a recurring role as BRENDA FEI- in performing non-combat support   Ehud Manor died in 2005, but
 GEN, now 76, an important attorney in  tasks such as packing medical supplies,   in  his  words,  “The  song  ‘Next  Year’   after Israel fought for
 the women’s rights movement.  repairing machinery  and equipment,   (Bashana) is one of the most personal
 In Memoriam  and all sorts of jobs that can be done   songs I composed. Every detail in this
 As I write this, three Jewish entertain- by civilians.  I know several  people   song is connected to the environment
 ment figures have died as result of the  who have volunteered in this program,   where I grew up. The porch is in fact   its independence,
 COVID-19 virus. Please Google their  known as Sar-El, and it is a wonderful   part of my parent’s house in… Bin-
 names for more info: Busy  character  and important service to the IDF.  yamina…  the  people  sitting  on the
 actor  MARK  BLUM, 69;  Tony and   My friend had an experience while   porch are my parents and brothers who   Magen David Adom
 Grammy-winning composer/musician  staying with her family on her week-  passed away... who built the porch with
 ADAM  SCHLESINGER, 52; and  ends  off  which  really  touched  me.  I   their own hands…”
 character actor ALLEN GARFIELD,  knew I would have to write about it.  As I listen to the words, I too feel   is helping the
 80.    I have always thought of music as   the hope Ehud Manor wrote about in
     the “great uniter.” In my experience in   this song, which touched my friend
     choral singing, I have seen many in-  and so many others during this dif-
     stances of how music brings people to-  ficult  time.  You  can  watch  it  online     country battle a
     gether under extreme, sometimes even   at
     adverse, situations. In fact, I have writ-  jerusalem-neighbors-join-in-balcony-
     ten about this extensively in many of   sing-a-long/.                                different enemy.
     my articles for this newspaper.      Arlene Stolnitz, founder of the Sara-
        In her blog, which she wrote from   sota  Jewish  Chorale,  is  a  member of
     Israel, my friend told a story of hear-  the Jewish Congregation of Venice. A
     ing a group of people singing as in a   retired educator from Rochester, New
     chorus from their individual balconies.   York,  she  has sung in  choral  groups   The coronavirus pandemic is indeed a war.
     As they sang a favorite song of the Is-  for  over  25  years  and  also  sings  in
     raeli people, she reminisced in her blog   The Venice  Chorale.  Her interest  in   Even if Israel can keep mortality rates for
     of the effect it had on the mood of the   the preservation of Jewish music of all
     people as everyone joined in enthusi-  kinds has led to this series of articles   those infected to 1 percent, it will still mean
     astically. The euphoria it created in the   on Jewish Folk Music in the Diaspora.
     crowd was instantly infectious!                                                    the death of more than 30,000 people —
                                                                                         more than all of Israel’s wars combined.

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