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JEWISH HAPPENINGS                                                                      February 2020                                    11B

             SUND      A Y ,   FEBR   U AR   Y  2 3                                    THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27
             SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23

                   Temple Emanu-El Religious School                                              “This Month in Jewish History”
                          Kindergarten Roundup                                      Significant  Jewish  events  in  February  include:  the  Inquisition  was
        Temple  Emanu-El  Religious  School  welcomes  rising  kindergarteners  –   established in South America in 1569; in 1934, the first ship with Jewish
        and older children as well! – to learn about our wonderful, vibrant school   immigrants broke the British blockade of Palestine; the Nazis provoked
        community, where kids and families experience the joys of Jewish learn-     the first anti-Jewish riots in Amsterdam, Holland, in 1941, but the attackers
        ing, Jewish community and Jewish life. Enjoy a Q&A session; meet our        were driven off by the Jews; born in Russia and later a British citizen,
        faculty; attend class with a new buddy; meet other Jewish and interfaith    Chaim Weizmann, a tireless Zionist for decades, was elected first president
        families who have found a home at Temple Emanu-El; and, of course,          of the newly-established State of Israel in 1949. Join us for this discussion
        enjoy snacks. We look forward to greeting you from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. at    at 11:00 a.m. at the Al Katz Center, 5710 Cortez Road West, Bradenton.
        Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. For more information,         Cost: $10 per adult; $5 per student; healthy kosher refreshments included.
        contact the Temple Emanu-El Religious School at 941.378.5567 or teers@      To RSVP, call Beverly at 941.313.9239.

                                                                                       SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29
               Suncoast Jewish Music Ensemble Concert                                  SA  TURD      A Y ,   FEBR  U  AR  Y   2 9
        Come to the Al Katz Center to hear the vibrant sounds and songs of the
        Suncoast Jewish Music Ensemble,  composed of accomplished  local                   PJ Library Strawberry Fields Tot Shabbat
        musicians from Manatee/Sarasota, whose enthusiasm is very contagious
        and energizing. Join us for wonderful live  Jewish music and delicious      Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        Jewish food. All ages are cordially invited to listen to and sing along with   PJ Library and Temple Emanu-El are partnering to present a special morn-
        the Jewish songs that must be passed on to future generations through       ing at 11:00 a.m. at Hunsader Farms (5500 County Road 675, Bradenton)
        live community concerts. Join us at 3:00 p.m. at 5710 Cortez Road West,     to play, feed the animals, ride the train, and experience a fun tot Shabbat
        Bradenton. Cost: $12 per adult; $5 per student. To RSVP, call Beverly at    led by Rabbi Michael Shefrin. Bring a picnic lunch if you’d like. We’ll
        941.313.9239.                                                               treat you to an ice cream dessert! This event is free, but space is limited
                                                                                    and registration is required at For more information,
                     Celebrate Temple Beth Sholom –                                 contact Rabbi Michael Shefrin at 941.371.2788.
                      Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow                                      Congregation Ner Tamid’s Annual Italian Dinner
        This event welcomes those who have a multigenerational history at Temple    Rabbi Barbara Aiello returns from Italy to present a thought-provoking
        Beth Sholom and who helped build the foundation which supports it today.    activity designed to bring Italians and Jews together, and to examine simi-
        You are invited to enjoy shared memories with humor and enthusiasm for      larities that have existed and sometimes hidden for centuries. The event,
        the future and marvel at the “Did you know?” and “Do you know?” facts       which features Chef Teresa’s Italian cuisine, begins at 6:00 p.m. at Lake-
        that define TBS. Plentiful hors d’oeuvres and desserts will be served. Join   side South Clubhouse, 3817 40  Ave. W, Bradenton. Cost: $21 per person.
        us at 3:00 p.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 1050 South Tuttle Ave., Sarasota.    For more information or to RSVP (by Friday, February 21), contact Elaine
        Cost $18; registration required. For more information or to RSVP, call Lex   at 941.755.1231 or
        Calaguas at 941.955.8121 or email

                                                                                                                      280 kosher characters
             MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24                                                                            

                      Federation Town Hall Meeting
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
        Please join us at 6:00 p.m. in the Beatrice Friedman Theater on The Larry
        & Mary Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life (582 McIntosh Road,           sarasota LIBERAL    YESHIVA
        Sarasota)  to  learn  more  about  our  campus  renovation  project  and  our
        recently published Jewish Community Study. Our Federation is expanding             PRESENTS FEBRUARY – MARCH 2020 COURSES
        its campus in order to provide a wider range of services to our community    JEWISH DNA, GENETIC DISEASE AND CRYPTO-JEWS
        and we are eager to share our plans with YOU! For more information,                 MONDAYS 3:15 PM–4:30 PM Starting  February 3 (Eight Weeks)
        please  contact  Kim  Mullins  at  or  941.552.6300.                 The never-ending search for authenticity and proof of Jewish
        RSVP at                                                                descent is in vogue today as evidenced by the large number of
                                                                                                   individuals who undergo DNA testing. Jewish genetic diseases
                                                                                                   are easily diagnosed (i.e., BRCA). Many oral family traditions

             TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25                                                                  portend Jewish ancestry as in the case of anusim (crypto-Jews).
                                                                                                   Through DNA discovery, many return to Judaism. Why… and
                                                                                                   does it matter? How important are Jewish roots and what does
            Community Lecture featuring Deborah Lipstadt                                           it suggest about the future. Join us in a review of DNA, Jewish
        Sponsored by The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee                     genetic diseases and Jewish identity. Instructor: Marden Paru; $70.
        Join  Federation  for  its  annual  Community  Lecture  featuring  Professor             PRESERVING JEWISH CULTURE
        Deborah Lipstadt as she provides insights about “Anti-Semitism Here and           TUESDAYS 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Starting February 4 (Eight Weeks)
        Now.” The event begins at 7:00 p.m. at Sarasota Municipal Auditorium,      What is it about Jewish culture we want preserved? Doomsday literature in recent
        801 N. Tamiami Trail. Tickets are $18. Register at or call   years projects the demise of both Jews and Jewish culture. What role does Jewish
        Brieana Duckett-Graves at 941.552.6305. For more information, please       literacy play in the preservation of the rich Jewish culture we inherited from
        contact Jessi Sheslow, Director of Community Relations, at jsheslow@       our parents and grandparents? The question we’ll address is “what will become                                                               of Jewish culture” as the diaspora Jewish community continues to assimilate?
                                                                                   Instructor: Marden Paru; fee $70.
                        Lunch and Learn: Craft Day                                                  JEWS, ANIMALS AND PETS
        Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood warmly invites you to a friendly and engag-             FRIDAYS 10:30 AM – 11:45 AM Starting February 7 (Eight weeks)
        ing afternoon of crafts. Bring a brown-bag lunch and learn to knit, crochet,   What has been the role and relationship between Jewish people and their
        quilt and needlepoint with old and new friends. Absolute beginners, master   animals? What responsibility do we have for the treatment of the various species?
        crafters and everyone in between is welcome. This free event begins at     Scriptures has a lot to say about many living creatures: animals for sacrifice, food,
        noon at Temple Emanu-El, 151 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. For more infor-      clothing, farming, and even pets. The Talmud has much to say on this topic. What
        mation, please call Barbara Peltz at 941.462.1196.                         rules govern man’s relationship? What place do pets have in Jewish tradition?
                                                                                   Instructor: Marden Paru; fee $70.
                 Women’s Coffee & Casual Conversation                                            HISTORY OF JEWS IN GERMANY
        All women are invited to join us at 1:00 p.m. at the Starbucks near The           TUESDAYS 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM Starting February 11 (Four Weeks)
        Landings. RSVP if you are new to town, or if you just want to meet up with   Cultural anthropologist David Levinson draws out the expanse of the Jewish
        a group of friendly women for some nice casual conversation. For more in-  experience in Germany from the fourth century CE to the present. The course relies
        formation or to RSVP, call the Chabad of Sarasota office at 941.925.0770   on his recent book, Jewish Germany: An Enduring Presence from the Fourth to the
        or email                                        Twenty-first Century and his ongoing research on Jewish German refugees. The
                                                                                   course provides a layered appreciation of the Jewish experience and is meant for those
                                                                                   interested in Jewish history, German Jewish history, and genealogists and family
                                                                                   historians. Topics covered include: origins and spread of Ashkenazi Jewry, Jewish life
                                                                                   in towns and cities, Emancipation, Reform Judaism, immigration to America, The
                                                                                   Shoah, and Jewish Germany today. Lecturer: Dr. David Levinson; fee $40
                                                                                           Inquire about multi-course discounts. Scholarships are also available.

                                                                                  Classes are held at The Jewish Federation on The Larry & Mary Greenspon Family Campus
                                                                                  for Jewish Life, 580 McIntosh Road, Sarasota. To register or seek more information, please
                                                                                  contact Marden Paru, Dean and Rosh Yeshiva at 941.379.5655 or
                                                                                  Please make checks payable to the Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva and mail to Marden Paru, 5445
                                                                                  Pamela Wood Way #160, Sarasota, FL 34233.
                      Quickly Locate all of your favorite Jewish
                      organizations, clubs and service providers online.          NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTS: The Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva admits
                                                                                  students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities
                                                                                  generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis
                                                   of race, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and other school-administered programs.

                                                                                  The Sarasota Liberal Yeshiva is a 501(c)3 non-profit
         Keyword Search        Filter Options     Drop Pin Locator Map         agency. It is funded, in part, by a grant from
                                                                                  The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee.
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