Page 8 - Jewish News_February 2020
P. 8

8A                         February 2020                                                                FEDERATION NEWS

     MoMENtum: Dads experience Israel

     while learning about themselves

     By Sandy Chase
           he Jewish Federation of        to empower women to connect to Jew-   enthusiasm  and dedication
           Sarasota-Manatee’s Novem-      ish values, engage with Israel and fos-  are contagious. I’ve seen how
     Tber MoMENtum trip to Israel,        ter unity.                            she’s discovered how to con-
     led by Dr. Josh Green and Federation     In 2013, fathers – assisted by JWRP   nect more deeply with herself,
     CEO Howard Tevlowitz, continues to   Founding Director Lori Palatnik – be-  our family  and the commu-
     inspire  the  fathers and their families.   gan availing  themselves  of their  own   nity.”
     Equally important is that this “momen-  profound, personal experience, during   Chris Malkin, another par-
     tous” experience reinforces the Federa-  which they explore the Jewish home-  ticipant,  shares how his wife
     tion’s mission of strengthening Jewish   land,  learn  inspiring  Jewish wisdom   inspired him to join MoMEN-
     life  and identity  in  our  community,   and join a global Jewish brotherhood.   tum.  “Jill  went  on  the  first
     providing  for  Jewish people  in  need   Unlike  the  moms’ year-long program   Sarasota  MOMentum  trip.  I
     and supporting Israel.               of educational and leadership programs   wanted to be on the same page
        The saying “Behind  every great   continued at home, MoMENtum is an     with our Jewish values,  rais-
     man is a great woman” helps explain   eight-day global boot camp.          ing our daughter and creating
     the strength of the MoMENtum pro-        Dr. Josh Green, the local  Mo-    a Jewish-minded community
     gram, complementing  the original    MENtum community leader, attributes   in Sarasota.”
     Jewish  Women Renaissance Project    his involvement  to  his wife.  As the     This wasn’t his first trip to
     (JWRP), now known as MOMentum.       MOMentum chair,  Julie  Green  was    Israel. Chris accompanied his              Julie and Josh Green
     The two programs for parents of chil-  instrumental in bringing JWRP to the   daughter as a chaperone with the Her-  our men joined over 300 MoMEN-
     dren under 18 have been rebranded as   community when the Federation spon-  shorin Schiff Community Day School   tum  participants  from as far away as
     Momentum Unlimited (Momentum).       sored its first group of women in 2017.   in April 2018. “After those experienc-  Australia and South Africa, fostering a
        Since  eight  women  conceived  of    “Julie  inspired me to participate   es, I knew that I wanted to experience   tightly knit group.
     JWRP in 2009, MOMentum continues     in this experience,”  says Josh. “Her   Israel with like-minded dads.”          Chris, for example,  was over-
                                                                                    What makes the MoMENtum ex-       whelmed when two of the Federation
                                                                                perience  different  from  that  of  other   fathers, along  with eight  other men
         UROLOGY TREATMENT CENTER                                               trips?                                from the group, had a bar mitzvah at
                                                                                    The Federation-sponsored trip be-
         •   BARZELL  •        GREEN  •       CURTIS  •     AKARY  •             gan the weekend before in  Tel Aviv,     “What  an  emotional  experience!”
                                            WINSTON E. BARZELL, MD, FACS, FRCS  where  the  men  toured  the  modern     he says. “I recognized the embroidery
                                                                                                                      of the Torah cover as the one that the
                                                                                city  and adjacent  sites, including  the
                                             Diplomate of the American Board of Urology  Lewinsky Food Market; the (Shimon)   Malkin family dedicated  and spon-
                                                JOSHUA T. GREEN, MD, FACS
                                             Diplomate of the American Board of Urology  Peres Center of Peace and Innovation;   sored years earlier. I couldn’t hold back
                                                 GERARD A. CURTIS, MD           and the Ayalon Institute, the home of   my tears, especially being part of the
                                             Diplomate of the American Board of Urology  the covert bullet-making factory used   ceremony  where I touched the  Torah
                                                   EIHAB AKARY, MD              from 1945 through 1948, when Israel   while undressing and dressing it.”
                                                      Board Eligible
                                            CASIE WODZIEN, MSN, APRN, ANP-BC    won her independence.                     Others  attest  to  the  reflective  ex-
                                                                                    The spiritual journey, accentuated
            3325 S. Tamiami Trail, Suite 200   6310 Health Parkway, Suite 210   by the MoMENtum itinerary and bol-    perience  at the Kotel (Western  Wall)
                                                                                                                      in Jerusalem. Placing personal notes in
                 Sarasota, FL 34239               Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
       PHONE: 941.917.8488                  stered  by knowledgeable  tour guides   the wall and sharing Kabbalat Shabbat
        FAX: 941.917.8475                           a Division of 21 Century Oncology  and educators, began Monday, when   with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)
                                                                                                                      soldiers – praying, singing, dancing
                                                                                                                      and connecting – has been identified as
                                                                                                                      one of the most memorable times.
                                                                                                                          According to many in the group,
                                                                                                                      participating in the Tzfat men’s mikvah
                                                                                                                      contributed to a spiritual renewal. But
                                                                                                                      more important, the experience helped
                                                                                                                      them discover how they could connect
                                                                                                                      more to their family and Israel – a cor-
                                                                                                                      nerstone of MoMENtum. But probably
                                                                                                                      the group’s most poignant time was
                                                                                                                      receiving  letters from family  during
                                                                                                                          Julie might have been the MOMen-
                                                                                                                      tum behind Josh’s decision. But Gisele
                                                                                                                      Pintchuck, Federation’s Momentum
                                                                                                                      Community  Leader,  emphasizes  that
                                                                                                                      Josh’s innate leadership helped fortify
                                                                                                                      the  experience for the  other  partici-
             MAKE LIFE AWESOME. JOIN US FOR A JOURNEY                                                                 pants.
                                                                                                                          Gisele says, “From his early in-
             WHERE YOU’LL TAP INTO YOURSELF, YOUR PEOPLE,                                                             volvement with our Federation through
                                                                                                                      the various roles he has served along
                                                                                                                      the way, Josh  has shown  an unparal-
             AND YOUR HOMELAND.                                   JOIN                                                leled ability to connect with people and
                                                                                                                      inspire others.”

                                                                  Men from all over the world for a                       It’s understandable why Josh was
                                                                                                                                   continued on next page
             NOVEMBER 16-22, 2020                                 revitalizing year of self-exploration,
                                                                  unforgettable experiences in Israel and
                                                                  inspiring Jewish learning.                               STAY CONNECTED

             7 DAYS IN ISRAEL                                     ENJOY

             Limited Spaces | Subsidized Trip*                    empowering Jewish classed led by world-
                                                                  class speakers and Israeli thought-leaders.

              F   A   T   H    ER       S   . . .                 EXPLORE                                          
                                                                  spiritual Tzfat, Masada’s desert magic,
                                                                  Shabbat in Jerusalem and many more
              APPLY NOW!                                          unique experiences.                                      STAY CONNECTED
                                                                  how to connect deeper with yourself,
            * $1,200 plus air | $900 plus air for MOMentum husbands
            * $174 tip and acceptance fee                         your family and your community.
            * $500 fully refundable deposit

           For more information , please contact: Gisele Pintchuck | | 941.706.0029                               

                                             APPLY ONLINE AT
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