Page 4 - WWB 09 V1
P. 4

7. The Turkeys ond the Seogulls sot huddled in f right!

                   Pop Seogull told o story obout the Pirote Jeon Lo Fitte.

                   Whot kind of o story? Circle one:

                        foiry tole                 nursery rhyme                       legend

                                                 Whot-is o legend?

                   8. When wos the f irst time this legend (story)told?

                   Do the number puzzle ond find out:

                                         1118                          0

                   9. Pop soid the Pirote Jeon Lo Fitte hid his treosure

                   where? Mork the ploce on your Texos Mop. Circle one;

                       Dollos, TX             Son Antonio, D(                Lo Porte, TX

                   10. Pop, Sid, Tyler ond Junior decided to go tneosure

                   hunting. Mork the tim e the birds took of f f rom the

                                                                           Is thot AM or PiA?
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9