Page 4 - bk 10 UGB HL V 5 .5
P. 4

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                    The rodio played, 'Abilene! Abilercl'
                    Tyler ond Uncle Goodbuddieweretrucking on Hury #?83.
                    Abilene,  Texqs wos the town they wqe goiJg to *e.

                    Tyler wus reod for lhe open rcad oguin.
                    There was nothitts to terrr or dread...
                    No more ghosts doncirg on his head.

                    Theturkey truckers had to pick up o lood of Lotghorn Steers.
                    \he steers we?e bound tor the Fort Worth Stockyord.
                    And, Tyler wos ridirg shotgun or grmrd.

                                                        Honk! Honk!
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