Page 2 - Back to school | Indoor plants
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A vibrant interior
The fall spells back to school and a return to familiar daily
routines. Hoorah! Time to turn our attention to indoor
spaces, in addition to enjoying the outdoors as long as
possible of course. With indoor inspiration in mind, we’d
like to propose our Best Picks: plants that will make fall
2022 an exciting and energizing back to school season!
Tips for maintaining healthy indoor plants
Soil moisture Temperature Soil mixes
and watering and light and fertilizers
■ ● Soil should hold ■ ●Room temperature ■ ●Nutrient-rich soil for
moisture and drain well should be between indoor tropical plants
15 C et 27 C
■ ● Water when the soil ■ ●Feed all-purpose,
is dry and to a depth ■ ●Plants should be water-soluble
of 2 cm in a bright location, but fertilizer – spring
away from direct sunlight and summer only
■ ● Indoor plants require
room humidity levels • If leaf tips are brown ■ Add half a dose of
between 45% and 60% or dry – too much light fertilizer in September
■ ● For extra moisture, place • If leaves are pale October, November
plant pots on pebble or wan-looking – lack and December.
trays – shallow dishes of light
filled with pebbles ■ ●Plants should be far
and water. from heat sources or
air conditioning units
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