Page 142 - KCPAC_EBOOK
P. 142
February 2022
Gordon G. Chang Morse Tan
Columnist in USA Dean, Liberty University, School of Law
고든 창, 미국 시사평론가 모스 단, 리버티 대학교 법학부 학장
Attended the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in Florida as a
sponsor and partner to hold a panel discussion on the upcoming South Korean
presidential election and opposing the end of the war declaration on the Korean
Peninsula. The invited panelists were U.S. Senator Bill Hagerty, former Ambassa-
dor-at-Large for the Office of Global Criminal Justice Morse Tan, former U.S. Marine
Corps Colonel Grant Newsham, Tufts University Professor Sung-Yoon Lee, and Asia
expert Gordon Chang.
Speaking on the main stage, Ambassador Morse Tan emphasized the need for a
conservative president in the upcoming South Korean presidential election, and
North Korean defector Hyun-seung Lee (Arthur Lee), regional director of the OKN
D.C. office, stressed how Lee Jae-myung, then-presidential candidate of Democratic
Party of South Korea, is anti-American, pro-North Korea, and pro-China.