P. 6

While carrying out such       President Chan realized that         President Annie Chan has been
           vigorous business and         cooperation with the in uential      practicing various activities to
           educational activities in     American Conservative Union          protect conservatism and liberal
           the United States, Presi-     (ACU) and Conservative Political     democracy in South Korea and
           dent Annie Chan could         Action Conference (CPAC) in the      the United States through
           not forget and could not      United States was key. Upon          KCPAC since 2019. During the
           help but love her home        learning of Chan’s sincerity and     20th presidential election in
           country, South Korea.         enthusiasm, the ACU and CPAC         South Korea, she held a cam-
    Introduction of the Founder
                                         leaders decided to move              paign against declaring the end
           Conservatism in South         forward together as serious          of the Korean War, a New Year’s
           Korea lost its power over     partners. Thanks to their full       prayer meeting to support the
           the past 20 years. Liberal    support, she founded the Korea       change of government, a public
           democracy, especially         Conservative Action Conference       brie ng session for  fair elec-
           under the left-wing           (KCPAC) in 2019.                     tions, and a concert celebrating
           regimes, weakened and                                              Yoon Suk-yeol for becoming the
           conservative civic groups     KCPAC currently has o ces in         new president.  She also ran
           have disappeared. There       Seoul, Hawaii, and Washington,       advertisements in Korean
           was no organization that      D.C. and is actively lobbying to     newspapers in the US, in Times
           could properly inform         inform regarding the poor            Square in New York City, and
           Washington on this            conditions in South Korea. It        The Wall Street Journal, advo-
           situation, and the conser-    maintains close contact with         cating for government change
           vative solidarity between     the U.S. Congress and continues      in South Korea and for Yoon
           South Korea and the           to provide information on            Suk-yeol, contributing to the
           United States weakened        policies related to the national     birth of President Yoon’s new
           as well. President Chan       security of the Republic of          era.
           decided to help restore       Korea and Northeast Asia.
           South Korea’s liberal                                              President Chan will continue to
           democracy.                    President Chan established the       do her best to ful ll the respon-
                                         Center for Korea-America             sibilities given to her without
                                         Freedom & Security Policy            giving up until the day when
                                         (KAFSP) in 2021 with the             liberal democracy in South
                                         mission to spread true conser-       Korea is  rmly restored through
                                         vative values in South Korea.        KCPAC and KAFSP.
                                         KAFSP will continue to do its
                                         best to restore and strengthen
                                         the liberal democracy of the
                                         Republic of Korea and promote
                                         the noble value of liberal
                                         democracy and the importance
                                         of the U.S.-South Korea alliance.
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