Page 2 - Reporting Virtual Currency Transactions to the IRS: Time May Be Running Out for Affected Taxpayers
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(“IRS to Receive Unprecedented Amount  situation. They should also consider filing  determined to be applicable by the IRS.
              of Information in UBS Agreement,” Aug.  amended returns to report their transac-  While this is a simple process, it does not
              19, 2009, No doubt  tions in accordance with the IRS’s 2014  provide any specific penalty protection and
              because of this success, the IRS is now  notice. While additional taxes may be due,  does not result in the IRS issuing a closing
              using the John Doe summons in matters  these taxpayers may be able to avoid  agreement. Furthermore, even if the returns
              related to virtual currency.     penalties if they can show reasonable  and payment are processed, the filing may
                In 2016, the IRS issued a John Doe sum-  cause for their failure to report.   still result in an audit or even a criminal
              mons to Coinbase, one of the world’s largest  Taxpayers who engaged in unreported  investigation.
              virtual currency exchanges, seeking the iden-  virtual currency transactions but are not  Third, a taxpayer may be able to partic-
              tities of all of its customers and account  affected by the Coinbase summons have  ipate in the IRS’s formal domestic voluntary
              records for 2013, 2014, and 2015. When  several options available to them, which  disclosure program (IRM section 9.11.9),
              Coinbase failed to comply with the sum-  should be discussed with a tax professional.  thereby possibly eliminating the risk of
              mons, the IRS initially agreed to narrow the  First, and most unlikely, in the case of a  penalties, including criminal prosecution.
              scope, then moved to compel disclosure. In  taxpayer whose failure to report virtual cur-  Sometimes referred to as a “noisy disclo-
              support of its petition, the IRS submitted an  rency transactions is due to reasonable  sure,” this is likely the best option for any
              affidavit from an IRS agent stating that it  cause, filing qualified amended returns may  taxpayer who the IRS may conclude filed
              believes that virtual currency gains are not  be an option. In general, a qualified amend-  a fraudulent return that failed to report virtual
              being reported, in part because only 800 to  ed return is an amended return that is filed  currency transactions. In order to initiate a
              900 taxpayers had filed an IRS Form 8949  by a taxpayer before—    domestic voluntary disclosure, the tax rep-
              in 2015 to report virtual currency gains or  ■ the taxpayer is contacted by the IRS with  resentative should fax a power of attorney
              losses, while Coinbase had 5.9 million users  respect to the return,   along with the taxpayer’s name, date of birth,
              [U.S. v. Coinbase, 2017 WL 5890052 (N.D.  ■ a person who promoted a tax benefit  Social Security number, and address to the
              Cal. Nov. 28, 2017) (JSC)]. After Coinbase  claimed by the taxpayer is contacted by  IRS Criminal Investigation Division (CID).
              objected to the summons and a Coinbase  the IRS,                   CID then will review its databases to deter-
              customer moved to intervene and quash it,  ■ a pass-through entity in which the taxpayer  mine whether or not the taxpayer is eligible
              the court issued an order in November 2017  holds an interest is contacted by the IRS,   to participate in the domestic voluntary dis-
              limiting the summons to only those cus-  ■ a John Doe summons relating to the tax-  closure (i.e., the disclosure is timely). If the
              tomers of Coinbase who bought, sold, sent,  payer’s liability is served, or   taxpayer is precleared to participate, he must
              or received more than $20,000 of bitcoin in  ■ an IRS settlement initiative with respect  comply with IRM section 9.11.9 by submit-
              any one year during 2013–2015. Pursuant  to a listed transaction reported on the  ting truthful and complete returns and agree-
              to the court’s order, Coinbase is required to  return is announced.   ing to cooperate with the IRS. If the IRS
              turn over taxpayer identification number,  A qualified amended return will not,  accepts the voluntary disclosure, it will issue
              name, date of birth, address, records of  however, help the taxpayer avoid fraud  a Form 906 closing agreement setting forth
              account activity, and all periodic statements  penalties with respect to fraudulent posi-  the amount of tax, interest, and penalties due
              of account or invoices relating to the nar-  tions taken on the original return (IRS  for the tax period at issue, which will bring
              rowed class of customers. On February 23,  Notice 2004-38,  an end to the process.
              2018, Coinbase sent an e-mail to approx-  Accordingly, if there is any indication of  Taxpayers who do not file amended
              imately 13,000 of its customers notifying  fraud (e.g., the taxpayer chose not to  returns, either because they are no longer
              them that it will be complying with the  inform the tax return preparer in response  eligible or because they decline professional
              court  order  (“IRS  Notification,”  to a specific question about virtual curren-  advice to do so, still may be able to avail
     The IRS is there-  cy), filing qualified amended returns would  themselves of certain arguments to try to
              fore in the process of learning the identity  be a risky approach.  avoid civil penalties. If, for example, tax-
              of Coinbase customers who may not have  Second, a taxpayer may be able to file  payers disclosed to their accountant that they
              properly reported their virtual currency  amended returns pursuant to the Internal  were involved in virtual currency transac-
              transactions on their tax returns.  Revenue Manual’s (IRM) voluntary disclo-  tions, and the accountant did not inquire
                                               sure provisions (IRM section. 9.11.9). This  further or advise the taxpayers to make full
              Reporting Options                is accomplished by submitting a letter from  disclosure, the taxpayers may be able to
                Taxpayers who have received notifica-  an attorney, providing amended returns that  assert that they relied in good faith on their
              tion from Coinbase that their data is being  are complete and accurately report previous-  accountant’s advice. Since the IRS did not
              turned over to the IRS should realize that  ly omitted legal source income, and offering  take a public position on the taxation of vir-
              they must notify their tax preparer of the  to pay the tax, interest, and any penalties  tual currency until early 2014, it would be

              MAY 2018 / THE CPA JOURNAL                                                                     65
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