Page 3 - More Bankruptcies, More Opportunities and Challenges for CPAs
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Companies that have violated a cove-  The amount is based on that por-  Accounting and Financial
                nant but obtained a waiver at period-end  tion of the tax asset for which it is  Reporting During Bankruptcy
                should consider whether they will continue  more likely than not that a tax ben-  According to PricewaterhouseCoopers’
                to meet the covenant in future periods. If  efit will not be realized (Valuation  comprehensive  Bankruptcies and
                a future violation is probable, the debt  Allowance for Deferred Tax Assets,  Liquidations guide (
                would be classified as a current obligation.  PricewaterhouseCoopers, https://pwc.  3jCQvnU), once a reporting entity has
                If compliance is probable for the next  to/33DqXS0). Given what typically  filed a petition for bankruptcy under
                12 months, the debt obligation should  precedes a bankruptcy filing, including  Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code,
                continue to be classified as noncurrent.  operational losses and deteriorating  its accounting and financial reporting
                Companies should be mindful of the dis-  credit conditions, it may be that the  fall under the scope of Accounting
                closure requirements associated with debt  tax benefits from deferred tax assets  Standards Codification (ASC) 852-
                covenant violations and waivers.   will not be realized and that a valuation  10. The most significant impact of
                 Debt extinguishments and modifica-  allowance should be recorded. The  ASC 852-10 on the financial report-
                tions. Companies may consider a variety  reporting entity’s history of operating  ing of balance sheet items involves
                of potential transactions to enhance                              the liabilities of a reporting entity in
                liquidity. When debt instruments are                              reorganization, as discussed below.
                either exchanged or modified, the debt-                             Liabilities subject to compromise.
                or must first determine whether the   Liquidation may be          The balance sheet of an entity in Chapter
                exchange or modification meets certain                            11 must distinguish prepetition liabilities
                criteria to be considered a “troubled debt   a voluntary decision   subject to compromise from those that
                restructuring.” These criteria include   based on economic        are not (such as fully secured liabilities
                assessing whether the debtor is experi-                           that are expected not to be compro-
                encing financial difficulty and whether   conditions, a           mised) as well as postpetition liabilities.
                the creditor has granted a concession.                              Liabilities subject to compromise are
                 If the criteria are met, a gain is rec-  defined event for       prepetition obligations that are not fully
                ognized, but only to the extent that the   a limited life entity,   secured and that have at least a possibil-
                gross cash flows of a new or modified                             ity of not being repaid at the full claim
                debt instrument are less than the carrying   or an involuntary    amount. These liabilities can include any
                amount of the old instrument. If the gross                        type of obligation, such as trade payables,
                cash flows exceed the carrying amount of   act brought about by   contract obligations, or unsecured debt.
                the old debt, no gain is recorded and a   an entity’s creditors,   The determination of which liabilities are
                new effective interest rate is established,                       subject to compromise is made at the date
                based on the carrying amount of the debt  the bankruptcy court,   of the bankruptcy filing, based on wheth-
                and the revised cash flows.                                       er the liability is adequately secured.
                 If an exchange or modification of an   or other parties.           If unsecured, or if there is doubt as to the
                instrument is not a troubled debt restruc-                        adequacy of the value of security related to
                turing, the debtor must still determine                           a given liability, the entire liability should
                whether the transaction meets the criteria  losses and the impact that a bankruptcy  be included in liabilities subject to com-
                to be considered an extinguishment. If  filing could have on the reporting enti-  promise. Liabilities subject to compromise
                the modified or new debt instrument has  ty’s ability to utilize deferred tax assets  are presented as a group on one line in the
                substantially different terms from the old  in the future are relevant to any analysis  balance sheet and are classified outside of
                debt instrument, an extinguishment is  regarding a valuation allowance.  current liabilities. The principal categories
                recognized. If the exchange is considered   The  assumptions  (such as earn-  and amounts of liabilities subject to com-
                a modification, the effects are generally  ings projections) used in assessing  promise should be disclosed in the notes
                reported prospectively utilizing a new  whether deferred tax assets will be  to the financial statements.
                effective interest rate determined based  realized should be consistent with   Under bankruptcy accounting, lia-
                on the carrying amount of the original  the assumptions  used  in  impair-  bilities subject to compromise are pre-
                debt and the revised cash flows. Interest  ment testing and consideration of the  sented at the expected amount of the
                expense is recognized using the new  reporting entity’s ability to continue  total allowed claim. As a result, in most
                effective interest rate.         as a going concern. This assessment  cases liabilities are initially presented at
                 Valuation allowance. A valuation  will often lead to a conclusion that a  amounts higher than the expected settle-
                allowance is a reserve that is used to  valuation allowance is required prior  ment amount. Only later, as the claims
                offset the amount of a deferred tax asset.  to a bankruptcy filing.   are addressed by the court or the reor-

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