Page 3 - Understanding FBAR Disclosure Responsibilities: When Must an Entity or Connected Individual File?
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             COLUMNS I Tax Practice & Procedure

                  British Virgin Islands (BVI) corporation.  because he is not the beneficiary of the trust  The trust is a United States person
                  The BVI corporation holds an account at  and the trust is a nongrantor trust. He there-  because it is organized in the United States,
                  a Swiss bank. Who must report the Swiss  fore has no FBAR filing obligation.  even though it is a foreign grantor trust for
                  account on an FBAR?               Example 5. Reshma, a U.S. citizen, is  U.S. income tax purposes. It has a financial
                   The BVI corporation is not a United  the sole trustee of a trust formed under the  interest in the Swiss account because it owns
                  States person, so it has no FBAR reporting  laws of Delaware. The trust is treated for  100% of the Florida LLC and therefore indi-
                  obligation.                      U.S. income tax purposes as a foreign  rectly owns the Cayman Islands corporation
                   Maria and Elena are both United  grantor trust owned by Alan, the nonresi-  that owns the account. Thus, the trust must
                  States persons because each is a U.S. cit-  dent, noncitizen settlor of the trust who cre-  also report the account on its FBAR.
                  izen; however, neither has a financial  ated it, funded it, and has the unilateral right  David is a United States person because
                  interest in the Swiss account because nei-  to revoke it. The sole beneficiary of the  he is a U.S. citizen. He has no financial
                  ther owns more than 50% of the stock  trust is David, the settlor’s U.S. citizen  interest in the Swiss account, however,
                  of the BVI corporation. Thus, neither has  brother. The trust’s sole asset is a 100%  because even though he is the sole current
                  an FBAR reporting obligation.    membership interest in a Florida LLC that  beneficiary of the trust, the trust is not the
                   Example 4. Howard, a U.S. citizen, is  has made an entity classification (i.e.,  owner of record or holder of legal title to
                  the settlor of a Wisconsin irrevocable trust                      the account. He therefore has no FBAR
                  that is treated as a nongrantor simple trust.                     reporting obligation. (Moreover, even if
                  The sole trustee and current beneficiary of  Whenever foreign     David had a financial interest in the
                  the trust is his U.S. citizen son, Richard,  accounts are involved, a  account, he would not have to report it on
                  who is entitled to all of the income from                         his FBAR because the trust must, and that
                  the trust during his life. The sole remainder  return preparer must peel  relieves the beneficiary of the reporting
                  beneficiary of the trust is a U.S. private                        obligation.)
                  foundation organized under the laws of  back the layers of the     Alan, the settlor of the trust, is not a
                  Texas. The trust holds an account at a                            United States person, so he has no FBAR
                  Swiss bank. Who must report the Swiss  onion and analyze each     reporting obligation.
                  account on an FBAR?              one to determine whether          Reshma, the trustee of the trust, is a
                   The trust is a United States person                              United States person because she is a U.S.
                  because it is organized under Wisconsin  an entity or connected   citizen. She has no financial interest in the
                  law. It has a financial interest in the Swiss                     Swiss account. Nonetheless, she must
                  account because it owns the account. The  individual might have a  report the account on her FBAR because,
                  trust must report the account on its FBAR.   filing obligation.   as the sole director/officer of the Cayman
                   The private foundation is a United States                        corporation that owns the account, she has
                  person because it is organized in the United                      signature authority over the account.
                  States; however, it has no financial interest  check-the-box) election to be taxed as a
                  in the Swiss account because it has no pre-  corporation. The sole asset of the Florida  Peeling the Onion
                  sent beneficial interest in the trust and does  LLC is 100% of the stock of a Cayman  Entity ownership structures can be multi-
                  not receive any of the trust’s income. It  Islands  corporation,  whose  sole  tiered and complicated; the above examples
                  therefore has no FBAR filing obligation.  director/officer is Reshma. The Cayman  barely scratch the surface of the variety of
                   Richard is a United States person  Islands corporation holds an account at a  arrangements one might encounter.
                  because he is a U.S. citizen. He has a  Swiss bank. Who must report the Swiss  Fortunately, the attribution rules described
                  financial interest in the Swiss account  account on an FBAR?      above involving foreign accounts and entities
                  because he receives more than 50% of  The Cayman Islands corporation is not  are actually reasonably clear, as long as one
                  the income from the trust that owns the  a United States person, so it has no FBAR  does not make assumptions based on income
                  account. Nevertheless, he has no FBAR  reporting obligation.      tax treatment. Whenever foreign accounts are
                  filing obligation because the trust reports  The Florida LLC is a United States per-  involved, a return preparer must peel back
                  the account on the trust’s FBAR, which  son because it is organized in the United  the layers of the onion and analyze each one
                  relieves him of the obligation to report  States. It has a financial interest in the Swiss  to determine whether an entity or connected
                  the account on his own FBAR.     account because it owns more than 50% of  individual might have a filing obligation.   q
                   Howard is a United States person because  the stock of the Cayman Islands corporation
                  he is a U.S. citizen; however, he has no  that owns the account. Thus, the Florida  Ian Weinstock, JD, is a partner at
                  financial interest in the Swiss account  LLC must report the account on its FBAR.  Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP, New York, N.Y.

                 60                                                                         MARCH 2019 / THE CPA JOURNAL
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