Page 3 - When Money Costs Too Much: Section 8300 Filing Requirements and Penalties
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COLUMNS I Tax Practice & Procedure

                                               Exhibit                               transaction, not to exceed $100,000 [IRC
                                       Current Penalty Regime                        section 6721(e)(2)]. For failure to furnish
                                                                                     customer statements, the penalty is the
                                      Penalty for  Aggregate Annual Limit  Aggregate Annual Limit   greater of $500 per failure, or 10% of
                                      Violation   ($5 million or more in   (less than $5 million in
                                               gross receipts)   gross receipts)     the aggregate amount of the items to be
                                                                                     reported. There is no aggregate annual
                    Failure to file com-  $250          $3,000,000        $1,000,000  limitation for intentional disregard pen-
                    plete Form 8300/fur-
                    nish annual statement                                            alties [IRC sections 6721(e); 6722(e)].
                                                                                       A failure is due to intentional disregard
                    Noncompliance cured    $50           $500,000           $175,000  if it is “knowing or willful” [Treasury
                    within 30 days
                                                                                     Regulations section 301.6721(f)(2)];
                                                                                     Denbo v. United States, 988 F.2d 1029,
                                                                                     1034-35 (10th Cir. 1993), defining “will-
                   filers must retain copies of the forms for  include all of the required information;  ful” conduct under  section 6672 as a
                   five years [Treasury Regulations section  and 2) failure to timely file the form [IRC  “voluntary, conscious and intentional
                   1.6050I-1(e)(3)(iii)].           section 6721(a)(2)]. Similarly, there are  decision”]. This determination is based
                                                    two bases for penalties for failure to fur-  on all of the facts and circumstances
                   Furnishing the Annual Statement  nish statements to customers: 1) failure  [Purser Truck Sales v. United States, 710
                     In addition to the requirement to  to include all required information; and  F. Supp. 2d 1334, 1339 (Md. Ga. 2008)].
                   file the Form 8300 itself, IRC section  2) failure to timely furnish the statement   These facts and circumstances include,
                   6050I(e) requires any person who files  [IRC section 6722(a)(2)].   but are not limited to the following:
                   a Form 8300 to furnish a single, annual                             (i) Whether the failure to file timely
                   written statement to each person identi-  Penalties Not Due to Intentional   or the failure to include correct infor-
                   fied on Form 8300 by January 31 of the  Disregard                   mation is part of a pattern of conduct
                   next calendar year [Treasury Regulations   The penalty under both provisions is   by the person who filed the return
                   section 1.6050I-1(f)]. The statement must  $250 per violation for violations not due   of repeatedly failing to file timely or
                   contain the name, address, and telephone  to intentional disregard of the reporting   repeatedly failing to include correct
                   number of the contact for the business,  requirements [IRC sections 6721(a)(1),   information;
                   the aggregate amount of reportable cash  6722(a)(1)]. There is no particular intent   (ii) Whether correction was promptly
                   received from the person during the cal-  required, although there is a reasonable   made upon discovery of the failure;
                   endar year, and a statement that the filer  cause defense (discussed below). There   (iii) Whether the filer corrects a failure
                   reported this information to the IRS. If  are annual aggregate limitations on the   to file or a failure to include correct
                   the business only filed one Form 8300  maximum amount of penalties that can   information within 30 days after the
                   during the year for a particular payor,  be imposed, depending upon the busi-  date of any written request from the
                   the filer may send a copy of the Form  ness’s annual gross receipts. Both penal-  Internal Revenue Service to file or to
                   8300 to satisfy the annual statement  ties are reduced if the business corrects   correct; and
                   requirement. However, merely providing  the noncompliance within 30 days. These   (iv) Whether the amount of the infor-
                   a copy of the Form 8300 to the payor  penalty rates and ceilings are adjusted for   mation reporting penalties is less than
                   at the time of the transaction does not  inflation (IRM  the cost of complying with the require-
                   meet the requirement (IRM;   The Exhibit summarizes the current   ment to file timely or to include cor-
          The one exception to the  penalty regime for violations not due to   rect information on an information
                   annual statement requirement is that  intentional disregard.        return. [Treasury Regulations section
                   when the business voluntarily files a                               301.6721-1(f)(3)].
                   Form 8300 to report a suspicious trans-  Penalties for Intentional Disregard   There are few reported cases involv-
                   action, it should not send the statement   If the failure to comply was the  ing these penalties, but they indicate
                   to that payor.                   result of intentional disregard of the  that there must be something more than
                                                    filing requirements or annual  statement  just poor recordkeeping practices or
                   Civil Penalties                  requirements, the penalty is substantially  ignorance of the rules for the IRS to
                     The failure to comply with these pro-  larger. For intentional disregard of the  impose heightened penalties. Because of
                   visions can result in substantial penalties.  rules requiring the filing of Form 8300,  the “extreme harshness” of the penalties
                   There are two separate bases for penal-  the penalty is the greater of $25,000 or  involved, intentional disregard is “a high
                   ties related to Form 8300: 1) failure to  the amount of cash received in such  standard of culpability, requiring much

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