Page 3 - Reporting Foreign Accounts on the FBAR versus Form 8938: Differences, Similarities, and Traps to Avoid
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COLUMNS I Tax Practice & Procedure

                     Only reporting foreign accounts on Form 8938. Form 8938  lists the filing of Form 3520. If the foreign account is held by
                   is broader than the FBAR because it requires reporting on not just  a foreign corporation in which the taxpayer has an ownership
                   foreign bank accounts, but all manner of foreign assets. Thus Form  interest, then the taxpayer would likely need to file Form 5471
                   8938 requires the reporting, inter alia, of interests in foreign trusts;  as well as a Form 8938 that separately lists the filing of Form
                   foreign corporations; foreign stocks, notes, or bonds; a contract  5471. If the foreign account is held in the name of a disregarded                            ◀ THE NYSSCPA’S
                   with a foreign person to buy or sell assets held for investment; gold  entity or fictitious entity, or is simply a numbered account, then
                   certificates issued by a foreign person; foreign pensions; foreign  it will probably need to be reported on Form 8938 as a directly
                   mutual funds; and foreign hedge funds and foreign private equity  held asset of the taxpayer.                                                                             PROFESSIONAL
                   funds. Simply reporting on Form 8938 the same foreign accounts   Failing to properly consider a child’s foreign assets. For
                   reported on the FBAR—without considering other potentially  FBAR purposes, when a child has foreign accounts, those accounts                                                             NETWORK
                   reportable foreign assets (or inquiring into them if one is a tax pro-  must be reported on an FBAR filed for that child if the $10,000
                   fessional)—may lead to a materially incorrect Form 8938 that may,  reporting threshold is satisfied. But for Form 8938, the question

                   in turn, result in penalties or issues with the statute of limitations  is more complicated. Assuming that the reporting thresholds are                                               WHERE EXPERTS GO
                   for the entire tax return. With respect to penalties for an incorrect  met, if the parents file Form 1040 on behalf of the child to report
                   Form 8938, if the failure to disclose a specified foreign financial  unearned income, then they must include Form 8938 with that
                                                                     tax return to report any specified foreign financial assets owned                                                                            FOR EXPERTISE
                                                                     by the child. Alternatively, if the parents file Form 8814 (Parents’
                                                                     Election to Report Child’s Interest and Dividends) with the par-
                                                                     ents’ income tax return and thereby elect to include in their gross
                        Form 8938 is broader than                    income certain unearned income of their child (i.e., the “kiddie                        ◀
                      the FBAR because it requires                   tax” election), then the parents must report on the parents’ Form
                                                                     8938 any specified foreign financial asset that the child owns.   Get help with tricky questions. Join the conversation on Exchange, the members-only
                       reporting on not just foreign                   If, however, the child does not have to file an income tax return
                                                                     for the tax year (e.g., not enough unearned income), then, per   discussion board and share questions and solutions with your peers. Be sure to
                     bank accounts, but all manner                   the instructions to Form 8938, there is no obligation to file Form   update your preferences to adjust how often you receive email updates.
                              of foreign assets.                     8938, even if the value of the child’s specified foreign financial
                                                                     assets is more than the reporting threshold for Form 8938.
                                                                       Failing to consider the interplay between Form 8938 and the
                                                                     statute of limitations. As reflected in the Instructions to Form
                                                                     8938, the IRS takes the position that there is no running statute   HOW TO            Go to and log in.
                   asset results in an underpayment of tax, then there is a 40% accu-  of limitations for the entire Form 1040 tax return if the taxpayer   LOG IN  ◀
                   racy-related penalty on the underpayment per IRC section 6662(j).  fails to file the required Form 8938 with that tax return. Even
                     Ignoring the ‘presumption’ baked into Form 8938. There  more important, the IRS appears to be taking the position, as
                   is a presumption expressly set forth in IRC section 6038D—the  reflected in the instructions to Form 8938, that filing a materially
                   statute that resulted in the creation of Form 8938—that if the IRS  incomplete Form 8938 (i.e., one that “fail[s] to report a specified   Login questions? Customer Service
                   determines that a taxpayer had an ownership interest in a foreign  foreign financial asset that you are required to report”) is deemed   can help—call 800 - 537- 3635
                   asset, then the reporting threshold for Form 8938 was met and the  to be a failure to file Form 8938 for purposes of keeping open
                   taxpayer was required to report the asset. As such, the burden is  the statute of limitations on the entire tax return. The statute of
                   on the taxpayer to demonstrate that the reporting threshold was not  limitations will not start to run until the taxpayer files the required
                   met. Because of this presumption built into the statute—as well as  “complete” Form 8938. Further, even if a specified foreign asset is
                   the harsh penalties that may be applied and the statute of limitations  reported on Form 8938, if as little as $5,000 in income from that   NEW ON     Create your profile and start building connections today!
                   issues that may arise if foreign assets are omitted from Form 8938—  asset is omitted from the tax return, then the statute of limitations   ◀
                   the over-inclusion of assets on Form 8938 may be a preferable way  for the entire return is extended from three years to six years.  EXCHANGE?
                   for taxpayers and their tax professionals to deal with the form.                                                                         1.   Click on profile in top right corner and “Import Your Info”
                     Assuming that foreign accounts held in the name of a foreign  File Carefully
                   entity do not need to be reported on Form 8938. Form 8938   The foregoing are just some of the pitfalls that taxpayers should                 from LinkedIn
                   includes a rule regarding indirect interests that is often misinter-  be aware of when dealing with foreign bank accounts, the FBAR,     2.
                   preted. If the foreign account is held in the name of a foreign trust,  and Form 8938. Taxpayers should consult tax professionals             Under the “Directory” tab, add other members as contacts
                   a foreign entity, or a fictitious entity, it will still get reported on  knowledgeable in this area to help them navigate such issues. ■
                   Form 8938 in one form or another. For example, if the account                                                                            3.   Select the “Open Forum” tab and engage in discussions
                   is in the name of a foreign trust, then the taxpayer would likely  Usman Mohammad, JD, is of counsel at Kostelanetz & Fink
                   need to file Form 3520, and then file a Form 8938 that separately  LLP, New York, N.Y.

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