Page 4 - Recovering Fees from the IRS
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              time” before filing suit [Treasury  IRS or failed to supply necessary records  of the tax issues have been decided. The
              Regulations sections 301.7430-1(d)(1),  [In re Southeast Stores, Inc., 156 B.R. 160,  request for fees is not included in the
              301.7433-1(d)]. Reasonable time is defined  167 (Bkrtcy. E.D. Va. 1993); Polyco, Inc.  petition; it is handled later, either by stip-
              as five days before filing a petition to quash  v. Comm’r, 91 T.C. 963,967 (1988)].   ulation of the parties or by a motion of
              a summons or an action demanding the                              the taxpayer after the substantive issues
              return of wrongfully levied-upon property  Procedures for Obtaining Awards  have been resolved [TC Rules 34(b)(8),
              [Treasury Regulations section 301.7430-  A taxpayer may apply to the IRS for  231(a)(1), 232]. An order awarding or
              1(d)(2)(i), (ii)]. In other situations, the tax-  administrative costs within 90 days after  denying costs or fees is incorporated as
              payer must comply with any IRC provision  the date on which the final decision of  part of the final judgment in the case
              that “expressly provides for the pursuit of  the IRS is mailed to the taxpayer [IRC  and is appealable in the same manner as
              administrative remedies” [Treasury  section 7430(b)(4)]. The taxpayer can  that judgment [IRC section 7430(f)(1);
              Regulations sections 301.7430-1(d)(2)(iii),  also request fees from the Tax Court or  TC Rule 232(f)]. A taxpayer is also
              (iv)], such as IRC section 7429(b)(1)(B),  other federal court. A taxpayer can bring  entitled to an award of fees for the time
              which sets a 16-day period for administra-  a stand-alone action to recover fees in  spent litigating the fee award itself,
              tive review of jeopardy assessments).  the Tax Court (Tax Court Rule 271), or  even if the government’s position on
                Protraction of proceedings. Taxpayers  it can be done in conjunction with a defi-  the fee issue was not unreasonable [St.
              are not entitled to an award of costs or fees  ciency proceeding in Tax Court, a  Claire v. Comm’r, TC Memo 2016-
              if they unreasonably protracted the pro-  refund suit in a federal district court or  192; Powell v. Comm’r, 891 F.2d 1167,
              ceedings [IRC section 7430(b)(3); Hogan  the Court of Federal Claims, or in other  1169-72 (5th Cir. 1990)].  q
              v. Comm’r, T.C. Memo 2011-176]. The  judicial actions, such as a summons
              Tax Court has found that a taxpayer unrea-  enforcement action.   Megan L. Brackney, JD, LLM (Tax),
              sonably protracted proceedings where the  Most commonly, requests for fees are  is a partner at Kostelanetz & Fink LLP,
              taxpayer refused to communicate with the  heard by the Tax Court after the merits  New York, N.Y.

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               JUNE 2019 / THE CPA JOURNAL                                                                   65
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