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              name on Burrill’s capital account from  would pay it back before investors  Berger faced a potential sentence of 63
              “Deferred Revenue” to “Note Payable.”  noticed. Berger’s defense attorneys  to 78 months in prison.
              Berger also urged Burrill to execute a  characterized him as an experienced  Berger’s attorneys argued that he
              promissory note to support this new  accountant who was tricked by a client  should not receive any jail time because
              loan theory, and he advised others at  who had a reputation for being difficult  the conduct at issue was aberrational
              Burrill’s company to change the lan-  to work with; claimed that Berger was  from his otherwise upstanding, law-
              guage in certain internal documents to  focused on managing many clients’  abiding life, and he had already suf-
              reflect that the transfers were loans. The  matters, not just Burrill’s; and asserted  fered significant damage from the loss
              effect of Berger’s decision to change the  he had no financial motive to aid  of his CPA license, reputation, and abil-
              character of the transfers was to deceive  Burrill’s fraud (Dorothy Atkins, “Jury  ity to earn a living. The government
              the IRS by concealing $18 million in  Convicts Accountant of Aiding Biotech  urged the court to sentence Berger to a
              taxable transfers to accounts controlled  VC in $18M Fraud,” Law 360, July 18,  significant term in custody in order to
              by Burrill.                      2018,    deter other CPAs from playing the
                                                 On July 18, 2018, after a three-week  “IRS audit lottery,” hoping that fraud-
              Burrill’s Guilty Plea and Berger’s Trial  jury trial, Berger was convicted of aiding  ulent tax returns would never be
                Berger was indicted in September  and abetting the filing of Burrill’s false  reviewed. In its sentencing submission,
              2017. Prior to his indictment, Berger had  2010, 2011, and 2012 individual income  the government surmised that “it is also
              voluntarily given testimony before the  tax returns, in violation of IRC section  likely that CPAs across the United
              SEC and had testified as BPM’s custo-                             States are committing similar crimes for
              dian of records before the grand jury                             their clients because they know the IRS
              investigating Burrill’s tax matters. At the                       has very limited resources, and that it
              time of his testimony in May 2016, the                            is unlikely a revenue agent would have
              prosecutors informed Berger that he was                           time to review complicated tax returns
              not a target of the grand jury’s investi-  The effect of Berger’s  and spend months auditing one tax
              gation. Berger thus was taken by surprise                         returns [sic].”
              when, 17 months after he testified before  decision to change the   Five months after his conviction,
              the grand jury, he was arrested at his                            Berger, who was 68 years old at the time,
              home by numerous federal and local law  character of the transfers  was sentenced to eight months in prison,
              enforcement agents.                                               one year of supervised release, and a
                In December 2017, Burrill entered a                             $20,000 fine. Although he is likely to
              guilty plea to one count of investment  was to deceive the IRS.   appeal his conviction, Berger now stands
              advisor fraud and one count of filing a                           a convicted felon. He has lost his CPA
              false 2010 individual income tax return.                          license and is unlikely ever to prepare
              Pursuant to Burrill’s plea agreement, the                         another tax return.
              agreed-upon tax loss was $2,912,303, as
              compared to the $4.7 million tax loss                             Not Even Once
              charged against Berger in his indictment  7206(2). IRC section 7206(2) provides  While many criminal cases against
              and pursued by the government at his  that whoever “willfully aids or assists in,  tax return preparers are for repeated
              sentencing. Burrill faced a sentence of  or procures, counsels, or advises the  conduct in preparing fraudulent tax
              between 70 and 87 months in prison,  preparation or presentation under, or in  returns for numerous clients over a peri-
              and the government urged the court to  connection with any matter arising under,  od of years, the case against Marc
              sentence  him  to  63  months.  On  the internal revenue laws, of a return, affi-  Berger is a sobering reminder that sig-
              December 4, 2018, Burrill, who was 74  davit, claim, or other document, which is  nificant judgment lapses related to a sin-
              years old at the time, was sentenced to  fraudulent or is false as to any material  gle client can derail a career. It is impor-
              30 months’ imprisonment.         matter, whether or not such falsity or  tant to remember that one’s reputation
                Berger chose to fight the charges  fraud is with the knowledge or consent  for integrity is fragile and impossible to
              against him and proceeded to trial in  of the person authorized or required to  repair once sullied by criminal charges.
              the Northern District of California.  present such return, affidavit, claim, or  No client is worth that sort of risk. q
              According to press reports, the govern-  document” shall be guilty of a felony and
              ment painted Berger as an experienced  be imprisoned for up to three years. As  Sharon L. McCarthy, JD, is a partner
              accountant who was aware that Burrill  a result of his conviction on three counts  at Kostelanetz & Fink, LLP, New York,
              was stealing money and hoped he  of aiding and abetting Burrill’s tax fraud,  N.Y.

              FEBRUARY 2019 / THE CPA JOURNAL                                                               67
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