Page 5 - Raynes Park Vale vs Kingstonian
P. 5
Welcome back, every- my own views on Raynes Park Vale.
one, to Grand Drive! But, with that privilege sometimes comes sad
It’s certainly worthy of a responsibilities and so it is today. Many of you
warm welcome and not will have known Teresa Ingrisano - ‘Grandma’
just because of the sud- - a RPV fan whose enthusiasm, passion and
den chill that seems to love for this club was legendary and many
have gripped the coun- of you will, by now, also be aware of her sad
try! No, it’s an extra spe- passing just a few days before Xmas.
ciaal welcome because, Theresa embodied all that makes Raynes
thanks to commitments in the FA Cup and Park Vale the fantastic club that it is. Belief,
the FA Vase that have both caused fixtures to passion and an indomitable spirit. She would
be hastily rescheduled, this is the first home routinely stand at the Clubhouse End to
game for quite a while! Not that anyone is watch the games. I know I speak for everyone
complaining here at The Vale! You can read involved at Raynes Park Vale when I say that
the details here in ITV, through our excellent Theresa will be sadly missed and our condo-
website or on our equally wonderful social lences go out to her family and friends and,
media feeds but, suffice to say, a lot has hap- of course, particularly to her grandson Louie
pened since I was last called upon to write in Downey - himself a RPV stalwart of whom
this column. A record-breaking succession of Theresa was immensly proud.
wins in both the FA Vase and the CCL Prem
including wins against Cobham, two against So, there are the two sides to my words
excellent local challengers Colliers Wood and today - the positive and the tragic. As ever
the latest Vase win against Larkfield & New I welcome everyone today to Grand Drive.
Hythe have made the Autumn blip something Kingstonian are a fine team with historic con-
of a distant memory and seeing the squad nections to the football of this borough and I
firing on all cylinders again has been fantastic. look forward to meeting as many of you as I
can at the same time as we remember one of
Players returning from breaks of one sort
or another have lifted the team while, at our own from this great club.
the same time, finding that the players left
behind have continued, in their absence, John Dalton
to demonstrate that the Raynes Park spirit
marches on! Chairman, Raynes Park Vale FC
Throw into that mix an extraordinary World
Cup and it’s been quite a season so far.
Writing this column is usually a pleasure for
me. I get to welcome fans, staff and players
of both our club and the clubs that have
come here to play in what must be one of the
most exciting leagues in the country. I get to
extol the virtues of Raynes Park Vale Football
OFFICIAL SPONSORS RAYNES PARK VALE FC Club and of the level of football that all of us
are here to enjoy. I get to tell everyone about
the great things that are happening here at
RPV and to join in the celebration of just how
far this club has come over recent years. It is
an honour and a privilege to bring news and