Page 25 - Philanthropy Report 2016
P. 25

William and Jacquelyne Webster  L  Dawn M. Winans  L       a
                                                                                               Richard Wehling '51    L    Jennifer L. Windle    L
                                                                                               Katharine M. Wehrmeyer '89   Donald '60 and Maryanne Winfield  L  nnual Donor
                                                                                               Gordon '71 and Anne Weller  L  Howard E. Winfield '55  L
                                                                                               George Wenzel '60      L    Reginald F. Winslow '90
                                                                                               Robert P. '61 and Sally S. Werenski  L  Blake J. Wischer '11
                                                                                               Edward '64 and Mary Werner  L  Larry Wise                  S
                                                                                               Gertrude Werner        L    Brad W. Wisniewski '91          o
                                                                                               Terry Werrell '59      L    Thomas Witte '80 and Carol Beatty '80  L  F
                                                                                               Donald '55 and Jacqueline West  L  Ernest '52 and Iscella Wittich  L
                                                                                               Harry Westcott '61     L    Armand '57 and Dorothy Wojcik  L
                                                                                               Karen Westrick         L    Thomas E. Wooderson '77
                                                                                               David C. White         L    James '57 and Joan Woodrow  L
                                                                                               David White '02        L    Daniel A. Woods '00
                                                                                               Edward L. White '68         Lawrence E. Woods               $100 or more an
                                                                                               Jerry '60 and Dawn White  L  Orrin '90 and Laurie Woodward
                                                                                               Kenneth R. White '82        Will Worman
                                                                                               David '74 and Barbara '74 Whittaker  L  Anne V. Wright '83
                                                                                               Neldon '57 and Sue Whitty  L  Nicole W. Wynkoop
                                                                                               Donna '00 and Mark Wicks  L  Alan Y. Xia
                                                                                               Donald '68 and Sandra Wiecorek  L  Evelyn Yaeger  L        D
                                                                                               James R. Wiemels '69        Dean Yeotis                    l

                                                                                               John Wiese '57         L    Benaiah Yongo-Bure
                                                                                               Randy '73 and Linda Wightman  L  James Yoon '90   L
                                                                                               Elizabeth Wilcox       L    Micah Young '14
                                                                                               Kaye Wilcox '87        L    Russell '70 and Genene Youngs  L
                                                                                               Nathan '84 and Lee Wilke  L  James '84 and JoAnn '84 Yurgil
                                                                                               Douglas G. Wilkins '85      Angela R. Yurk '01
                                                                                               Karen Wilkinson        L    Kenneth and Kathleen Zahrt  L
                                                                                               Cordell '82 and Tonia Williams  L  Kevin J. Zalewski '00   oy al ty Society member
                                                                                               Dan A. Williams '91         Paul and Mary Ellen Zang  L
                                                                                               James '66 and Penelope Williams  L  Christopher M. Zavicar '08
                                                                                               Jeffrey B. Williams '84  L  Thomas '72 and Jan Zebehazy  L
            Henry '76 and Jennifer Van Dusen  L  Robert L. Vrancken '93   Robert J. '50 and Marian Wass  L  Jill Williams  L  Matthew H. Zemke '89
            Robert A. Van Ham '99       Timothy '81 and Margo Wahl  L  Karockas D. Watkins '93   Kenneth E. Williams  L    James Zhang
            Wayne J. VanDenBoom '76     Michael '87 and Paula '85 Walczak   Kevin Watts '02    Robert Mark '67 and Karen Dawn Williams  L  Xuan Zhou  L
            Harold '55 and Donna VanderWeide   Terry '67 and Donna Walker  L  Renee M. Wawrzynski '88   Timothy K. Willis '88   Jospeh and Ruby Zima
            Paul VanHuis '80      L     Christine M. Wallace       William Weaver '70     L    Jaclyn S. Wills '06         Mr. and Mrs.* Richard D. Zimmerman '56  L  S
            Remy '61 and Nancy VanOphem   Locksly E. Wallace '14   Frances M. Webster     L    Jeffrey L. Wilson '80       Walter '67 and Catherine Zych  L
            Robert and Carlene VanVoorhies   John '65 and Suzanne Walls  L
            Endre '66 and Vera Vargha   Randall H. Walter '79
            Robert M. Vargo '77   L     Thomas '59 and Nancy Walters  L
            Robert '84 and Susan '85 Vasko  L  James P. Walton '71                  “The Downum Scholarship has given me an opportunity
            Kurt V. Vatalaro '89        James '64 and Virginia Waltz  L
            Stephen Verhoff '00   L     Wayne Walworth '54    L
            Roger Virost          L     Lihua and Shawn Wang  L                     to get the education I never thought was possible and I am
            Donald '79 and Lee A. '82 Visci   Timothy C. Wang '96
            Connie L. Vlachovic         William '69 and Janet Wang  L
            James D. Vlaz '56           Yunsheng Wang         L                     so thankful to them.”
            Ronald W. Voigt '88         Gail and Mark Ward
            David '74 and Mary Volpe    Oliver '72 and Jean Warner  L               - natalie Warren, recipient of the Downum Scholarship
            Ryan Voshol '98       L     Ravi Warrier          L

                                                                               25                                          * Deceased             L  Loyalty Society Member
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