Page 2 - Village Trader October 2023 Hi Res
P. 2

In 2019, 3 books written by a Biologist,
             a Mathematician, and a Philosopher
             all came independently to the same
                “Darwinian evolution is
              mathematically impossible.
            ” Life cannot come from non life.
               There is no such thing as a
                      simple cell.
          The cell’s nucleus contains a digitally coded
            database larger (in information content)
             than 30 volumes of the Encyclopaedia
            Britannica so life cannot have evolved   JB LOGGING
                 in the way Darwin stated
            If you would like to know the truth about
            how we came to be here, investigate at   Seasoned Hardwood Logs for sale
                your own pace by going to:-          • Nets £4    Small Sacks £10
          https//          •  Bulk Builders bag £80
             or                   • Loose loads available
                                                       For more information please call
                                                            Jamie Bradshaw on

       02          LOCAL TRADERS UK  •  CALL:  01536 269686                                 E-mail:   •   Web:
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