Page 3 - Village Trader August 2022 hi-res
P. 3

HELL O READERS                                         To advertise in the

                                                                   Village Trader
                                                               please contact Nikki on
                                                                01536 269686
          Are  you all enjoying the  unbelievable weather we are   This magazine is produced by:
          having as we head into August, if you would like to know   Local Traders UK
          more about the summer holiday activities available across   9 Melbourne House
          North Northamptonshire during the summer holidays   Corby Gate Business Park
          find out more by going to   Priors Haw Road
                                                                 Corby NN17 5JG
                                                                Tel: 01536 269686
          Don’t forget the Corby Tennis Centre hold the first of their
          summer camps between 17th to 18th August from 10.00am
          to 2.00pm for £60.00, this is £30.00 per day and get the
          3rd day free, so why not join them for fun and games   ADVERT PRICING  (exc VAT)
          this summer.  All you need to take with you is a packed   1/8 Page Advert
          lunch, drinks, appropriate clothing and footwear, and a   Size: 5cm x 7cm  £35.00
          hat and sun cream (weather permitting).  For enquiries   Artwork cost if required  £20.00
          and bookings contact 01536 407851 or e-mail bookings@  1/4 Page Advert  £80.00
                                                            Size: 6.6cm x 9.4cm
                           Artwork cost if required  £20.00
          Weldon Village Fete is being held on Monday 29th August   1/2 Page Advert
          2022 from 12.00 noon to 4.00pm at Weldon Cricket Club,   Size: 13.8cm x 9.4cm  £120.00
                                                            Artwork cost if required
          Weldon, to book a stall or for more information contact   Full Page Advert
          them on 07538 966038 or e-mail weldonvillagefete@gmail.  Size: 13.8cm x 19cm  £180.00
          com. Plenty of activities, see advert for details.  Artwork cost if required  £30.00
          If you have any event or activities planned, please email the   The inclusion of adverts in this
                                                             booklet does not imply any
          details to - but remember we plan   endorsement of the advertisers
          the printed magazines a month ahead so do not delay!   by The Village Trader.
          Take Care, Stay Safe and Be Kind.                  All advertisers are responsible
                                                             for ensuring the accuracy of
          Best wishes,                                       the content of their advert.

                                                               f    LIKE US
                                                                    ON FACEBOOK
         Delivering to Cottingham, Middleton,    NOW                Corby Trader and Village Trader
         East Carlton, Wilbarston, Stoke Albany,   DELIVERING
                                                                     S U P P O R T
         Great Easton, Rockingham, Caldecott,   TO 7,700            Business
                                                                       S MALL
         Gretton, Weldon, Priors Hall,         HOMES
         Stanion, Little Stanion,
         Brigstock, Geddington
         and Rushton.

 LOCAL TRADERS UK  •  CALL:  01536 269686  E-mail:   •   Web:  03
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