Page 12 - Village Trader March 2020
P. 12
Rushden Mind
What does R & R mean to you ?
O Ouurr ssuuppppoorrtt sseerrvviicceess aatt RRuusshhddeenn MMiinndd aarree rreecceeiivviinngg aa mmaakkeeoovveerr !!
R & R, what might this mean to you?
We want our new support services to be as unique to your mental
health and wellbeing as you.
This may mean Rest, Recovery, Restructure, Refocus, Recover,
Resilience, Restoration, Relaxation - what is it that you need to make
the next step in recovering from poor mental health or help you
maintain a feeling of positivity ?
O Oppeenn MMoorrnniinngg oonn WWeeddnneessddaayy 44tthh MMaarrcchh ffrroomm 1100aamm
W Wee wwaanntt ttoo hheeaarr yyoouurr iiddeeaass ??
What helps you ? Do you want Art & Crafts Groups,
Happy Cafes, Trips & Excursions, Debt & Employment Advice, 1:1
Emotional Support, Communities Meet Ups, Educational Courses
Phoenix You can refer directly to us.
House Call 01933 312800
Skinners Hill
Rushden Mind is a registered charity - No.
1175836 and limited company No. 6913836