Page 3 - Corby Trader Hi Res July 2023
P. 3


                                                            To advertise in the Corby Trader
                                                               please contact Nikki on
                                                                01536 269686
          Hope you are enjoying the lovely weather          This magazine is produced by:
          we are having as I write this months intro.            Local Traders UK

          Now as we look forward to the childrens             Unit 2, 1b Bardsley Road
          summer  holidays,  don’t  forget  if  you  want    Earlstrees Industrial Estate
                                                                 Corby, Northants
          to do something cool with your summer                     NN17 4AR
          then go to www/                 Tel: 01536 269686
          holidayactivities for more information.   
          Don’t forget the Corby Tennis Centre hold 
          the first of their summer camps between
          8th August to 10th August from 10.00am to          ADVERT PRICING (exc VAT)
          2.00pm for £70.00, this is £35.00 per day and
                                                             1/8 Page Advert
          get the 3rd day free, so why not join them         Size: 5cm x 7cm  £50.00
          for fun and games this summer.  All you need       Artwork cost if required  £20.00
          to take with you is a packed lunch, drinks,        1/4 Page Advert
                                                             Size: 6.6cm x 9.4cm  £110.00
          appropriate clothing and footwear, and a           Artwork cost if required  £20.00
          hat and sun cream (weather permitting).  For       1/2 Page Advert
          enquiries and bookings contact 01536 407851        Size: 13.8cm x 9.4cm  £150.00
                                                             Artwork cost if required  £25.00
          or e-mail
                                                             Full Page Advert
                                                             Size: 13.8cm x 19cm  £220.00
          If you have any event or activities                Artwork cost if required  £30.00
          planned, please email the details to info@
 - but remember we plan         The inclusion of adverts in this
          the printed magazines a month ahead so do          booklet does not imply any
          not delay!                                        endorsement of the advertisers
                                                                by The Corby Trader.
          As always, stay safe and be kind,                 All advertisers are responsible

          Take care                                          for ensuring the accuracy of
                                                             the content of their advert.
                                             TO 23,500
            S U P P O R T
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                                                                    ON FACEBOOK
                                                                    Corby Trader and Village Trader

 LOCAL TRADERS UK  •  CALL:  01536 269686  E-mail:   •   Web:  03
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