Page 23 - Corby Trader November 2023 hi-res
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Cloudy2Clear, A Local Family
Service, Saving You Money.
Established for over 16 When talking to Trevor crisis in 2008 due to the
years, Cloudy2Clear & Wendy Skidmore the savings that can be made
windows have become owners of Cloudy2Clear in using our service.
the UK’s leading Northampton & Oxford Unfortunately we might be Ask me
company for domestic it became clear that going through something
glass replacement. these values have been similar again soon and the about our
Customers are no longer held for over 16 years. public can rest assured that fantastic
needing to replace their Since buying the local we will be there to help once
complete window frames, franchise in 2006 they have again”. Energy
instead, now they can remained true to their core Saving
join over 320,000 happy values of supporting the For a free quotation
customers and have local community whilst please call 0800 61 Glass.
their glass replaced introducing their 2 sons 21 118 or visit www.
and/or upgraded in an Lloyd & Ross & daughter-
affordable and ethical in-law Lori into the family
manner. Remember, a business along with Dan,
failed glazing unit may Tom & Jo as demand for
no longer provide you their service has grown.
with the protection
you need or be energy The Cloudy2Clear service
efficient. Why not spend only requires the glass to be
a few minutes checking replaced and not the whole
your home to see if you window once the unit has
have any failed double failed. Trevor commented
glazing? If you act now “Cloudy2Clear were able
you can avoid any future to assist our community
costly problems. through the last financial
Have Your Windows
Steamed Up?
Replace the pane, not the frame!
“I really liked the fact
All glazing backed by our
that they were a local
family run business” We are a
Janet Beard Checkatrade
Member Get a FREE Quote
Social distancing in operation Faulty locks, handles or hinges?
Priority freephone
Love Your Home - Protect Your Windows - Save Money
LOCAL TRADERS UK • CALL: 01536 269686 E-mail: • Web: 23