Page 5 - Corby Trader April 2022 Hi Res
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          THINKING OF
          MOVING HOME?

          •  We  are looking  to  change  the  face  of
           British estate agency for the better.  Miranda Menzies
          •  I’m a local independent self employed
           agent, offering free, no obligation   REVIEWS
           market appraisals.
          •  You will only ever deal with me from   What can I say, Miranda was
           the start to the very  end of your   true to her word, she held
           journey.              an open house and we had
                                 several offers all over the
                                 asking price, amazing! She
          •  Offering a unique bespoke service for   was so enthusiastic an driven
                                 to sell our property. Thank you
           my clients.           Miranda!
          •  My aim is to achieve the best possible
          KYLE                   Miranda is very personable and
           price for my client in the shortest
                                 she understood my expectations
                                 marketed the property extremely
          ST-CLAIR               without hesitation.  Thanks to
          •  Take a look at the Newman website   with selling my home. She
                                 well and answered any questions
           and read my 5 star reviews.
                                 Miranda’s tireless efforts, it was
           Estate agent
                                 a really smooth process.  Thank
          Estate agent           you again for all your hard work.
             01902 599662
           Scan the two QR codes to find out
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             07310 2320
           more about my services and to hear
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           07979 042925
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 LOCAL TRADERS UK  •  CALL:  01536 269686  E-mail:   •   Web:  05
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