Page 3 - Village Trader September 2019
P. 3


        Hello Readers                                     To advertise in the Village Trader
                                                          please contact Nikki on
        Hope everyone has enjoyed their summer.           01536 269686
        Stanion Village Hall invite you to come and enjoy yourself at a Barn Dance   This magazine is produced by:
        on Saturday 14th September from 7.30pm to 11.00pm to the music of   Local Traders UK
        Culpeppers Catch.  Admission is £6, the bar is open and there will be   12 Darwin House
                                                          Corby Gate Business Park
        a raffle.  For tickets contact Len on 01536 649613 or Joyce on 01536   Priors Haw Road
        201221.                                           Corby NN17 5JG
        Rushton Village Hall are holding their afternoon tea at the Village Hall,   Tel: 01536 269686
        Chapel Lane, off Station Road, Rushton on Sunday 15th September, from
        2.30pm to 4.30pm, admission is free and there will be homemade cakes
        and tea or coffee and a raffle.  There will also be weekly Thai Chi classes   The inclusion of adverts in this
        in the Village Hall on Thursday evenings throughout the month from   booklet does not imply any
        7.00pm to 8.30pm, each session is £7.00 per 90-minute sessions, contact   endorsement of the advertisers
        details are Helen on 07905 861158.                by The Village Trader.
                                                          All advertisers are responsible for
        Purchase a ticket for the online Corby Lottery and   ensuring the accuracy of the
        support a Corby good cause.  60p from every £1.00 ticket goes directly to   content of their advert.
 *      the good cause chosen. Have you got your ticket? is the host of everything great in Corby and the   ADVERT PRICING (exc VAT)
        surrounding area.  Whether looking to dine out, explore, entertain the
        family or even looking for work, then make sure you regularly check the   1/8 Page Advert  £30.00
                                                           Size: 5cm x 7cm
        website or follow on social media @lovecorbyuk.  If you would like more   Artwork cost if required  £20.00
        information about events, offers, etc look online  1/4 Page Advert
                                                           Size: 6.6cm x 9.4cm  £60.00
        If you have an event, charity or club please contact me as soon as possible   Artwork cost if required  £20.00
        so the community in and around your area can make the most of what is   1/2 Page Advert
        going on for the next issue.                       Size: 13.8cm x 9.4cm  £95.00
                                                           Artwork cost if required  £25.00
        Best wishes                                        Full Page Advert
                                                           Size: 13.8cm x 19cm  £150.00
                                                           Artwork cost if required  £30.00

                 LIKE US
                 ON FACEBOOK

                 Corby Trader and Village Trader  NOW
        Delivering to Cottingham, Middleton,   TO 6,700
        East Carlton, Wilbarston, Stoke Albany,   HOMES
        Great Easton, Rockingham, Caldecott,
        Gretton, Weldon, Priors Hall, Stanion, Little
        Stanion, Brigstock, Geddington and Rushton.

        Please mention  Village Trader  when responding to adverts               03
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