Page 7 - Corby Trader August 2022 hi-res
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Advanced Medical Treatment for Your Feet
Deformed, thickened, problematic, and ingrown ORTHOTIC DEVICES
toenails can be excessively painful.
We don’t sell off-the-shelf insoles. We prescribe
In addition to ongoing management, we provide custom orthotic devices.
surgical nail removal under local anaesthesia for a
permanent pain-free solution. After assessing your gait, we can use plaster of
paris casting and/or 3D laser scan to prescribe
FUNGAL NAILS devices that can align your gait, improve your foot
Fungal nails can be a persistent problem that’s function, reduce your pain, and increase mobility.
difficult to treat. We offer:
Prescription insoles aren’t just for foot pain. They
• Fungal Nail Test to diagnose infection can help with legs, knees, and lower back
• Nail reduction and maintenance for comfort problems.
• Anti-fungal medication INJECTION THERAPY (FEET)
• Treatment with the Lacuna method
• Nail removal A fully qualified practitioner injects into the foot to
reduce, or in some cases eliminate, pain associat-
VERRUCAE & WARTS ed with various foot and ankle conditions.
Verrucae and warts are viral infections caused by
the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). They can be a • Corticosteroid injections: relieve pain,
persistent source of great pain and discomfort. To swelling, inflammation, and speed healing.
help, we offer: • Ostenil® injections: designed to treat
osteoarthritic pain and stiffness symptoms.
• SWIFT Microwave Therapy: the most ad-
vanced therapy available BASIC FOOT CARE
• Falkner’s Needling, under local anaesthesia
• A variety of chemical treatments from mild In addition to advanced podiatry, we also offer:
to powerful acids simple nail cutting, the removal of corns, and
callus and hard skin reduction.
DIABETIC REVIEWS See our website for a list of available
Diabetic patients benefit from a vascular and therapists and further information on
neurological assessment annually. We offer this the podiatry treatments above.
service as well as ongoing care.
Corby’s first private multidisciplinary clinic.
Focused on offering the best healthcare.
Corner of Station Road and Oakley Road,
Corby, NN17 1NA
01536 204701
Always check your therapist is HCPC registered.
Check the register:
LOCAL TRADERS UK • CALL: 01536 269686 E-mail: • Web: 07