Page 19 - Village Trader June 2019
P. 19


 Beating cancer is   HERE ARE YOUR
 far more important   LOCAL EVENTS:
 than winning a gold   Clumber Park   29.06.19   Pretty Muddy  5K & Pretty Muddy Kids
 medal. And you   Clumber Park   30.06.19   5K & 10K
 don’t need to be a
 superstar athlete to   Derby   29.06.19   Pretty Muddy  5K & Pretty Muddy Kids
 do it. Many people   (Markeaton Park)
 walk it, whether   Derby   30.06.19   5K & 10K  THE FIREPLACE & STOVE SPECIALIST
 (Markeaton Park)
 it’s a 5K, 10K or
 Pretty Muddy .  Leicestershire   07.07.19   5K & 10K  GAS FIRES & STOVES • ELECTRIC FIRES & STOVES
 By raising as little   Lincoln   12.10.19   5K & 10K, Pretty Muddy  5K
 as £30, you’ll make         & Pretty Muddy Kids  MULTIFUEL & WOODBURNING STOVES
 a difference. It all   Northampton   22.06.19   Pretty Muddy  5K & Pretty Muddy Kids  WOODEN MANTELS • WOOD & GEOCAST BEAMS
 helps to fund our
 life-saving research.   Northampton   23.06.19   5K & 10K  STOVE ACCESSORIES
 So gather your   Nottingham   07.09.19   Pretty Muddy  5K & Pretty Muddy Kids
 family and friends,   (Holme Pierrepont)  Corby Fire Designs Ltd
 put on something   Peterborough   30.06.19   5K & 10K  15 St James Road, St James Industrial Estate, Corby NN18 8AL
 pink... and let’s
 beat cancer.                    t  01536 260262


                          SHOWROOM OPENING HOURS:  Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9am - 5pm,  Sat 10am - 4pm.  Closed Weds & Sun.

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