Page 4 - SIH 2022 Re-Enrollment Guide
P. 4
Health Insurance and Other Life and Disability
Benefits Information Efective January 1, 2022 New York Life Group
We are very excited that there are no changes Beneits Solution will administer our Basic Life/
to premiums or plan design for the SIH health, AD&D, Supplemental Life/AD&D, and Long Term
dental, and vision plans! Full-time employees will Disability. There is no action needed on your part,
continue to be provided company paid basic life and all amounts approved by Reliance Standard will
accidental death and dismemberment insurance, carryover to New York Life.
which is efective the irst of the month following
full-time status. Short term disability and long term 2022 IRS Amounts
disability will also continue to be paid by SIH for full- The Healthcare FSA annual amount will remain the
time employees after one year of full-time service.
same at $2,750*. The 401(k) individual contribution
Medical/Rx will remain at $20,500, and the individual catch-up
amount at $6,500.
All employees enrolling in medical coverage for
2022 will receive a new insurance ID card. This For Questions regarding any of the beneit changes
ID card will have MaxorPlus replacing Alluma. for 2022, please contact the Beneits Team in Human
MaxorPlus was the pharmacy beneit manager for Resources at ext. 67807, 67845, or 67810.
Alluma but we are removing Alluma to have a direct * 2022 FSA limits have not been released.
relationship with MaxorPlus. Employees and their
dependents should experience very little change
with this direct relationship, other than a new
insurance card, customer service phone number etc.
Those employees and dependents that were using
Mayo Specialty Pharmacy will be now using Maxor
Specialty Pharmacy. Copays and plan design will
remain the same.
Although new ID cards will be issued, the Rx and BIN
numbers will remain the same, so if you forget to
change out your ID cards, you shouldn’t experience
any issues at the pharmacy.
Health Insurance and Other Life and Disability
Benefits Information Efective January 1, 2022 New York Life Group
We are very excited that there are no changes Beneits Solution will administer our Basic Life/
to premiums or plan design for the SIH health, AD&D, Supplemental Life/AD&D, and Long Term
dental, and vision plans! Full-time employees will Disability. There is no action needed on your part,
continue to be provided company paid basic life and all amounts approved by Reliance Standard will
accidental death and dismemberment insurance, carryover to New York Life.
which is efective the irst of the month following
full-time status. Short term disability and long term 2022 IRS Amounts
disability will also continue to be paid by SIH for full- The Healthcare FSA annual amount will remain the
time employees after one year of full-time service.
same at $2,750*. The 401(k) individual contribution
Medical/Rx will remain at $20,500, and the individual catch-up
amount at $6,500.
All employees enrolling in medical coverage for
2022 will receive a new insurance ID card. This For Questions regarding any of the beneit changes
ID card will have MaxorPlus replacing Alluma. for 2022, please contact the Beneits Team in Human
MaxorPlus was the pharmacy beneit manager for Resources at ext. 67807, 67845, or 67810.
Alluma but we are removing Alluma to have a direct * 2022 FSA limits have not been released.
relationship with MaxorPlus. Employees and their
dependents should experience very little change
with this direct relationship, other than a new
insurance card, customer service phone number etc.
Those employees and dependents that were using
Mayo Specialty Pharmacy will be now using Maxor
Specialty Pharmacy. Copays and plan design will
remain the same.
Although new ID cards will be issued, the Rx and BIN
numbers will remain the same, so if you forget to
change out your ID cards, you shouldn’t experience
any issues at the pharmacy.