Page 10 - Open Enrollment Guide Sample
P. 10
Can Ineligible Expenses Be Reimbursed from an HSA?
How to Open a Healthcare
Bank Account Yes. Neither the trustee, bank, insurance company nor the employer
are required to determine if a claim submitted for reimbursement is a
[Client] will be moving from JP Morgan qualifying medical expense.
Chase to Health Equity to administer the
healthcare bank accounts for those team
members enrolled in the HSA. The amount withdrawn from a healthcare bank account for a non-
Health Equity will open an HSA account on qualifying medical expense is added to the account beneiciary’s
your behalf. Health Equity will contact you income and subject to a 20% penalty. Where funds are distributed as
directly with more information. Contact the a result of the account beneiciary’s death, disability, or after he or she
Beneits Department if you have questions is eligible for Medicare, the 20% penalty does not apply. Distributions
or concerns. made from a healthcare bank account to reimburse the account
Visit to manage beneiciary for qualiied medical expenses are excluded from gross
your healthcare bank account. In addition income.
to opening an account, you can:
Contribute to your account What Expenses Are NOT Eligible for Reimbursement
from a Healthcare Bank Account?
Check your account balance
The following expenses may not be reimbursed from a healthcare
Request additional debit cards bank account.
Download monthly statements
Premiums for Medicare supplemental policies
Set up and manage account alerts
Expenses covered by another health plan
Pay your healthcare related bills Expenses incurred prior to the date the healthcare bank account
Track expenses and upload receipts was established
Direct deposit of reimbursement funds New TeleMedicine Program Through LiveHealth
Account holders will have this information Online
listed on the Welcome letter you get in the
welcome kit and also on the back of your It’s never been easier to save on your healthcare expenses. LiveHealth Online
healthcare bank account debit card. is a convenient way for you to talk with and get treatment from a doctor in
your state using the internet. It is secure, private, easy-to-use, and extremely
Healthcare bank accounts may not be the affordable.
right solution for all individuals. Please
contact Health Equity for assistance in Doctors are available on LiveHealth Online 24 hours a day, seven days a
determining whether a tax-advantaged week. Busy schedule? No problem—the convenience of having a doctor a
account will best meet your goals. click away can help you get the care you need when you need it.
If you have funds in your Chase account Whenever you think you need to see a doctor, simply go to
and want to rollover the funds to Health, select your geographic area, and answer a few
Equity, contact the Beneits Department at questions. Your health plan covers part of the cost to see a doctor online.
1-800-436-9556. Just enroll for free at, set up a personal account, and
choose a doctor to determine your cost. PPO Plan participants will be charged
a $10 copay. All HSA plan participants will be charged the deductible and
Can Ineligible Expenses Be Reimbursed from an HSA?
How to Open a Healthcare
Bank Account Yes. Neither the trustee, bank, insurance company nor the employer
are required to determine if a claim submitted for reimbursement is a
[Client] will be moving from JP Morgan qualifying medical expense.
Chase to Health Equity to administer the
healthcare bank accounts for those team
members enrolled in the HSA. The amount withdrawn from a healthcare bank account for a non-
Health Equity will open an HSA account on qualifying medical expense is added to the account beneiciary’s
your behalf. Health Equity will contact you income and subject to a 20% penalty. Where funds are distributed as
directly with more information. Contact the a result of the account beneiciary’s death, disability, or after he or she
Beneits Department if you have questions is eligible for Medicare, the 20% penalty does not apply. Distributions
or concerns. made from a healthcare bank account to reimburse the account
Visit to manage beneiciary for qualiied medical expenses are excluded from gross
your healthcare bank account. In addition income.
to opening an account, you can:
Contribute to your account What Expenses Are NOT Eligible for Reimbursement
from a Healthcare Bank Account?
Check your account balance
The following expenses may not be reimbursed from a healthcare
Request additional debit cards bank account.
Download monthly statements
Premiums for Medicare supplemental policies
Set up and manage account alerts
Expenses covered by another health plan
Pay your healthcare related bills Expenses incurred prior to the date the healthcare bank account
Track expenses and upload receipts was established
Direct deposit of reimbursement funds New TeleMedicine Program Through LiveHealth
Account holders will have this information Online
listed on the Welcome letter you get in the
welcome kit and also on the back of your It’s never been easier to save on your healthcare expenses. LiveHealth Online
healthcare bank account debit card. is a convenient way for you to talk with and get treatment from a doctor in
your state using the internet. It is secure, private, easy-to-use, and extremely
Healthcare bank accounts may not be the affordable.
right solution for all individuals. Please
contact Health Equity for assistance in Doctors are available on LiveHealth Online 24 hours a day, seven days a
determining whether a tax-advantaged week. Busy schedule? No problem—the convenience of having a doctor a
account will best meet your goals. click away can help you get the care you need when you need it.
If you have funds in your Chase account Whenever you think you need to see a doctor, simply go to
and want to rollover the funds to Health, select your geographic area, and answer a few
Equity, contact the Beneits Department at questions. Your health plan covers part of the cost to see a doctor online.
1-800-436-9556. Just enroll for free at, set up a personal account, and
choose a doctor to determine your cost. PPO Plan participants will be charged
a $10 copay. All HSA plan participants will be charged the deductible and