Page 12 - Vidant Health 2021 Annual Enrollment Residents
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Preventive Benefits Prescription Drugs

Treatment from in-network providers for most Prescription drug coverage for you and your covered
preventive care services are covered at 100% with no dependents is included with the Vidant Medical Plan.
cost to you. If non-routine or non-preventive care is MedImpact administers the prescription drug beneit
added at the time of treatment, such as additional tests, for all Vidant Medical Plan participants. If you enroll
procedures or lab work, then the cost may be subject to in one of the medical plans, your prescription drug
copays, deductibles and coinsurance. coverage is provided.

Using these beneits is an excellent way to take care When you or a covered family member need a
of you! For additional details about preventive care prescription illed, you may use your medical ID card
coverages, see the summary plan description on at the Vidant Employee Pharmacy or a retail pharmacy
AskPhin ( that participates in the pharmacy network. You pay a
share of the cost of your prescription in the form of
To receive coverage, your provider will need to code a copay or coinsurance. The amount you pay depends
preventive services as wellness and preventive care. whether you receive a generic, preferred brand or
If you have any questions about how your claims for non-preferred brand name drug and which pharmacy
preventive care are managed, contact MedCost at you choose. Questions about Vidant prescription drug
800-795-1023 or visit beneits? Contact MedImpact at 877-559-2955 or

Worried About Health Care Costs? Free RX for High Risk Conditions
Consider Critical Illness Coverage Residents are eligible to receive free medications from

The Vidant Health Medical Plan provides inancial protection Vidant for certain conditions. If you or your covered
against the cost of medical care, but it does not cover all spouse have high risk factors and/or complex medical
expenses. Between coinsurance, copays, deductibles and conditions — such as high blood pressure, diabetes,
other related expenses, an accident or critical illness may high cholesterol, obesity, asthma, congestive heart
still create a inancial burden. failure or coronary artery disease — you may qualify

for free medicines as long as you work with a Vidant
Critical Illness coverage, available to team members when
they join Vidant, provides payment directly to you to help Employee Wellness Nurse Case Manager or Health
cover unexpected costs associated with a covered illness. Coach. Call Employee Wellness at 252-847-5590 for
You can use the money to pay for medical expenses more information.
not covered by insurance, or for other needs, such as
transportation, child care and more.

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