Page 14 - Dentons 2021 Benefits Guide Hawaii
P. 14
Group term life insurance offers valuable financial protection for your beneficiaries in the event of
your death. Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance will pay an additional death
benefit if your death is a direct result of an accident or dismemberment.
Chiefs, Professionals, Counsel, Non-Partner Lawyers, Directors, Managers, Business Services Staff,
and Paralegals are automatically enrolled as of the first day of the month following one month from
date of hire.
Partners/Principals Voluntary Life and AD&D
Benefit of 3× salary up to $1,000,000 for Insurance
life and AD&D.
Partners/Principals pay the entire premium Unum offers voluntary life and accidental
and enrollment is optional. death and dismemberment insurance. You may
Partners/Principals may decline coverage purchase additional coverage for yourself of
at any time if they have coverage up to 5x your salary in increments of $10,000
elsewhere. up to a maximum of $2,000,000. Underwriting
Chiefs approval is required for amounts over the
guaranteed issue amount of 3× salary up to
Benefit of 3× salary up to $1,000,000 for $500,000.
life and AD&D.
Firm pays the entire premium. Voluntary Dependent Life
Directors, Managers, Non- and AD&D Insurance
Partner Lawyers, and Voluntary dependent life and accidental
Professionals death and dismemberment insurance is also
Benefit of 2× salary up to $400,000 for life offered by Unum. It allows you to purchase
and AD&D. coverage for your spouse/domestic partner
Firm pays the entire premium. and/or dependent children up to age 26. You
Paralegals and Business may purchase coverage for your spouse/
Services Staff domestic partner in increments of $10,000
Benefit of 1.5x salary up to $300,000 for up to a maximum of $500,000, not to exceed
life and AD&D. 50% of total employee coverage amount.
You may also purchase $10,000 in coverage
Firm pays the entire premium. for dependent child(ren) up to the age 26.
Underwriting approval is required for amounts
over the guaranteed issue amount of $50,000
for spouses.
To provide your Statement of
Health (EOI) online, visit the
portal: Human Resources > Firm
Benefits > Life and Disability >
Supplemental Life and AD&D
Group term life insurance offers valuable financial protection for your beneficiaries in the event of
your death. Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance will pay an additional death
benefit if your death is a direct result of an accident or dismemberment.
Chiefs, Professionals, Counsel, Non-Partner Lawyers, Directors, Managers, Business Services Staff,
and Paralegals are automatically enrolled as of the first day of the month following one month from
date of hire.
Partners/Principals Voluntary Life and AD&D
Benefit of 3× salary up to $1,000,000 for Insurance
life and AD&D.
Partners/Principals pay the entire premium Unum offers voluntary life and accidental
and enrollment is optional. death and dismemberment insurance. You may
Partners/Principals may decline coverage purchase additional coverage for yourself of
at any time if they have coverage up to 5x your salary in increments of $10,000
elsewhere. up to a maximum of $2,000,000. Underwriting
Chiefs approval is required for amounts over the
guaranteed issue amount of 3× salary up to
Benefit of 3× salary up to $1,000,000 for $500,000.
life and AD&D.
Firm pays the entire premium. Voluntary Dependent Life
Directors, Managers, Non- and AD&D Insurance
Partner Lawyers, and Voluntary dependent life and accidental
Professionals death and dismemberment insurance is also
Benefit of 2× salary up to $400,000 for life offered by Unum. It allows you to purchase
and AD&D. coverage for your spouse/domestic partner
Firm pays the entire premium. and/or dependent children up to age 26. You
Paralegals and Business may purchase coverage for your spouse/
Services Staff domestic partner in increments of $10,000
Benefit of 1.5x salary up to $300,000 for up to a maximum of $500,000, not to exceed
life and AD&D. 50% of total employee coverage amount.
You may also purchase $10,000 in coverage
Firm pays the entire premium. for dependent child(ren) up to the age 26.
Underwriting approval is required for amounts
over the guaranteed issue amount of $50,000
for spouses.
To provide your Statement of
Health (EOI) online, visit the
portal: Human Resources > Firm
Benefits > Life and Disability >
Supplemental Life and AD&D