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This Beneit Enrollment Guide is only intended to
highlight some of the major beneit provisions of
the Company plan and should not be relied upon
as a complete detailed representation of the plan.
Please refer to the plan’s Summary Plan Descriptions
for further detail. Should this guide difer from the
Summary Plan Descriptions, the Summary Plan
Descriptions prevail.


This publication contains important information
about your employee benefit program.
Please read thoroughly. © 2020 Lockton, Inc. All rights reserved.
[Rev 01/13/20] RL\EB\EE Communications\BE Suite Templates\2020-21\Suite 6\Untitled-5.pdf
Inside spread design Suite 6

2021 Benefits Enrollment
What is a Network? Medical and Prescription Vision Finding In-Network Providers
A network is a group of providers your plan contracts with Drug We partner with [Carrier] to offer you and your family Remember to visit in-network dentists to receive the
at discounted rates. You will almost always pay less when members vision insurance. Visit www.[Carrier].com deepest level of discount on your services.
you receive care in-network. [Client Name] partners with [carrier] to offer medical to ind in-network providers and access to a variety of
If you choose to see an out-of-network provider, you may and prescription drug insurance. online tools and programs. To ind a participating in-network dentist in your area go to
[] or call [555.555.5555].
be balance billed, which means you will be responsible for
charges above [Carrier]’s reimbursement amount. Plan Highlights In-Network Out-of-Network
You have the option of choosing one of [X] plans. Copay
Important Insurance Terms Our plans offer coverage for most healthcare services. Materials
When you receive care in-network you beneit from our
‹ Deductible: the amount of money you are responsible negotiated discounts with [Carrier]. Lenses
for paying up-front before your plan shares your costs Single
‹ Coinsurance: the percentage you and the plan pay; in Bifocal
our plans, you pay a smaller percentage and the plan [Carrier] Member Site Trifocal
pays a larger percentage Visit www.[Carrier].com to take advantage of all
‹ Copay: a ixed amount for certain services you pay in the helpful tools and resources available including the Lenticular
some of our plans Frames
‹ Out-of-pocket maximum: the limit on your following.
expenses; once you reach this limit, the plan covers all Contacts
eligible expenses for the remainder of the plan year ‹ In-network provider and pharmacy searches
‹ A list of prescription drugs covered by our plans Frequency
‹ Access to temporary ID cards and means to order Exam
another ID card Lenses
‹ Information regarding paid and pending claims Contacts (in lieu of
Employee [Monthly/Weekly/Bi- Frames
Weekly] Medical Contributions This is a high level summary of your beneit coverage. Full coverage
details are available in your summary plan description (SPD). In the event
[Plan 1] [Plan 2] there is a discrepancy between what is relected in this guide and what is
communicated in your SPD, the terms of your SPD will prevail.
Employee Only $ $
Employee and $ $ Employee [Monthly/Weekly/Bi-
Employee and $ $ Weekly] Vision Contributions
Child(ren) Employee Only $
Family $ $ Employee and Spouse $
Employee and Child(ren) $
Family $
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