Page 2 - HA BP
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Know Your
Numbers Category Systolic Diastolic
Two numbers make up Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80
your blood pressure reading:
Systolic pressure (the top number) Elevated 120 – 129 or Less than 80
– Measures the pressure when your
heart contracts to push blood through Stage 1 Hypertension 130 – 139 or 80 – 89
your body.
Diastolic pressure (the bottom Stage 2 Hypertension 140 & above or 90 & above
number) – Measures the pressure
when your heart is refilling with blood.
Take action! Reduce your blood pressure by focusing
on 4 key healthy lifestyle changes.
1. Weight Management 3. Exercise
Weight management should be the number one goal to Exercise improves blood flow and strengthens all of your
reduce high blood pressure. muscles, including your heart.
• Fat that accumulates around your waist area puts you at • Discuss an exercise plan with your doctor.
high risk for many health issues. • Start with 5-10 minutes per day of aerobic activity. Work
• A healthy weight can be achieved through a nutritious up to exercising most days, 20-60 minutes per session.
diet, exercise and reducing unhealthy habits. • Be sure to include muscle strengthening and flexibility
2. Nutrition exercises at least 2 days each week.
Nutrition influences your ability to maintain a healthy • Stay active. Avoid being sedentary by getting up and
weight as well as the health of your heart. moving as much as you can throughout the day.
• Add a serving of fruits and vegetables to each of 4. Tobacco Use
your meals. Tobacco use is extremely detrimental to your health,
• Limit meat to six ounces per day. Aim to eat lean meats especially the health of your heart.
such as poultry and fish. • Choose your method of quitting.
• Add more whole grains and beans to your diet. • Set a date to quit.
• Choose foods and snacks low in sodium. Limit sodium • Identify new healthy behaviors to replace tobacco.
consumption to 1,500 mg/day.
• Seek support by sharing your goal with others.
• Quit!
Turn to us—we can help.
855.424.6400 Download the app today!
Web: ©2019 Health Advocate HA-EHM-1908011-3FLY
Numbers Category Systolic Diastolic
Two numbers make up Normal Less than 120 and Less than 80
your blood pressure reading:
Systolic pressure (the top number) Elevated 120 – 129 or Less than 80
– Measures the pressure when your
heart contracts to push blood through Stage 1 Hypertension 130 – 139 or 80 – 89
your body.
Diastolic pressure (the bottom Stage 2 Hypertension 140 & above or 90 & above
number) – Measures the pressure
when your heart is refilling with blood.
Take action! Reduce your blood pressure by focusing
on 4 key healthy lifestyle changes.
1. Weight Management 3. Exercise
Weight management should be the number one goal to Exercise improves blood flow and strengthens all of your
reduce high blood pressure. muscles, including your heart.
• Fat that accumulates around your waist area puts you at • Discuss an exercise plan with your doctor.
high risk for many health issues. • Start with 5-10 minutes per day of aerobic activity. Work
• A healthy weight can be achieved through a nutritious up to exercising most days, 20-60 minutes per session.
diet, exercise and reducing unhealthy habits. • Be sure to include muscle strengthening and flexibility
2. Nutrition exercises at least 2 days each week.
Nutrition influences your ability to maintain a healthy • Stay active. Avoid being sedentary by getting up and
weight as well as the health of your heart. moving as much as you can throughout the day.
• Add a serving of fruits and vegetables to each of 4. Tobacco Use
your meals. Tobacco use is extremely detrimental to your health,
• Limit meat to six ounces per day. Aim to eat lean meats especially the health of your heart.
such as poultry and fish. • Choose your method of quitting.
• Add more whole grains and beans to your diet. • Set a date to quit.
• Choose foods and snacks low in sodium. Limit sodium • Identify new healthy behaviors to replace tobacco.
consumption to 1,500 mg/day.
• Seek support by sharing your goal with others.
• Quit!
Turn to us—we can help.
855.424.6400 Download the app today!
Web: ©2019 Health Advocate HA-EHM-1908011-3FLY