Page 15 - Polyventive 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 15
2022 Benefits Guide
Additional Services
Resource Advisor through Anthem can provide these other services when you need it:
Financial Planning Travel Assistance
Call Resource Advisor to set up one-on-one inancial You travel for fun and adventure. Or even for work.
counseling with a certiied professional inancial But sometimes, the unexpected happens.
planner. They can help with issues like retirement
planning, saving for a child’s education and more. You or a traveling companion get sick. Your
eyeglasses break. You lose your prescription
Legal Services medicine. Or your passport goes missing.
With a call to Resource Advisor, you can get a Don’t worry! Your group life insurance comes with
consultation with an attorney over the phone at travel assistance services. Whenever you’re 100 or
no charge. If you want to meet with an attorney more miles from home, help is just a phone call
in person, the legal consultant can set up an away for things like:*
appointment at a discounted fee.
■ Medical referrals and case reviews
Identity Theft—Recovery and ■ Medical evacuation/return home
Monitoring ■ Replacing medicine and eyeglasses
Resource Advisor has fraud resolution specialists ■ Finding lost items
who can help if your identity is stolen. They can ■ Emergency messages
work with creditors, collection agencies, law irms ■ Emergency travel arrangements
and credit reporting agencies for you for up to one
year. You can sign up for ID monitoring, get credit ■ Cash and legal help/bail
report reviews and place fraud alerts on credit ■ Interpretation/translations
reports no matter how many times your identity is
compromised. You can also get help before you travel with things
like visa requirements, passports and immunizations,
inding an embassy or consulate, and foreign
exchange rates.
24/7 travel assistance
From the U.S. or Canada 1.866.295.4890
From other locations
(call collect):
By email:
* All services must be arranged in advance by GGA to be covered.
Additional Services
Resource Advisor through Anthem can provide these other services when you need it:
Financial Planning Travel Assistance
Call Resource Advisor to set up one-on-one inancial You travel for fun and adventure. Or even for work.
counseling with a certiied professional inancial But sometimes, the unexpected happens.
planner. They can help with issues like retirement
planning, saving for a child’s education and more. You or a traveling companion get sick. Your
eyeglasses break. You lose your prescription
Legal Services medicine. Or your passport goes missing.
With a call to Resource Advisor, you can get a Don’t worry! Your group life insurance comes with
consultation with an attorney over the phone at travel assistance services. Whenever you’re 100 or
no charge. If you want to meet with an attorney more miles from home, help is just a phone call
in person, the legal consultant can set up an away for things like:*
appointment at a discounted fee.
■ Medical referrals and case reviews
Identity Theft—Recovery and ■ Medical evacuation/return home
Monitoring ■ Replacing medicine and eyeglasses
Resource Advisor has fraud resolution specialists ■ Finding lost items
who can help if your identity is stolen. They can ■ Emergency messages
work with creditors, collection agencies, law irms ■ Emergency travel arrangements
and credit reporting agencies for you for up to one
year. You can sign up for ID monitoring, get credit ■ Cash and legal help/bail
report reviews and place fraud alerts on credit ■ Interpretation/translations
reports no matter how many times your identity is
compromised. You can also get help before you travel with things
like visa requirements, passports and immunizations,
inding an embassy or consulate, and foreign
exchange rates.
24/7 travel assistance
From the U.S. or Canada 1.866.295.4890
From other locations
(call collect):
By email:
* All services must be arranged in advance by GGA to be covered.