Page 25 - Dentons 2021 Benefits Guide Mainland
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Dentons Benefits Guide

Final notes BENEFITS

This summary of benefits is not intended
to be a complete description of Dentons’ TEAM
insurance benefit plans. Please refer to
the plan document(s) for a complete
description. Each plan is governed in all Nichole Hermes, Benefits
respects by the terms of its legal plan Manager
document, rather than by this or any
other summary of the insurance benefits +1 312.876.3414
provided by the plan.
Evelyn Sam, Benefits/HRIS
In the event of any conflict between a Specialist
summary of the plan and the official
document, the official document will
prevail. Although Dentons maintains its +1 212.398.8458
benefit plans on an ongoing basis, Dentons Dana S. Sollinger, Benefits
reserves the right to terminate or amend Engagement Specialist
each plan in its entirety or in any part at
any time.
+1 619.699.2553
For questions regarding the
information provided in this overview, Jessica Hoyt, Benefits
please contact your Dentons human Coordinator
resources representative.
+1 312.876.2608

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