Page 11 - Murphy Benefits Guide
P. 11
What is the Difference Between an HSA and FSA?
Health Savings Account Healthcare FSA
How Much Can Up to $3,550 for individual Up to $2,750, regardless of
I Contribute coverage and $7,100 for any dependents being covered on
Pre-Tax to My other coverage level; if you the medical plan
Savings Account? are 55+, the IRS allows you to
contribute an additional $1,000
catch-up contribution
What Can I Ofset your medical deductible, copays (if applicable to your
Use My Pre-Tax plan), coinsurance, prescription drug costs, dental care, vision
Savings For? care, and much more
Where Can I Find; Section 213 (d) of the IRS Tax Code
a Comprehensive
List of Eligible
Can I Make Yes; you may make Upon experiencing a qualifying
Changes to My contribution changes life event only
Contribution Mid- throughout the plan year
When Are My HSA funds are available shortly Healthcare FSAs are fully
Savings Available after your payroll deduction funded and available for you
to Me? occurs; only funds that have to use as of January 1 or the
been payroll deducted and date you become eligible to
deposited to your account are participate
What Happens HSA funds always roll over The healthcare FSA is a “use
to Funds Unused from year to year it or lose it” beneit; however,
at the End of the Murphy Company allows a
Year? grace period extension through
March 31 of the following
calendar year
Murphy 11
Health Savings Account Healthcare FSA
How Much Can Up to $3,550 for individual Up to $2,750, regardless of
I Contribute coverage and $7,100 for any dependents being covered on
Pre-Tax to My other coverage level; if you the medical plan
Savings Account? are 55+, the IRS allows you to
contribute an additional $1,000
catch-up contribution
What Can I Ofset your medical deductible, copays (if applicable to your
Use My Pre-Tax plan), coinsurance, prescription drug costs, dental care, vision
Savings For? care, and much more
Where Can I Find; Section 213 (d) of the IRS Tax Code
a Comprehensive
List of Eligible
Can I Make Yes; you may make Upon experiencing a qualifying
Changes to My contribution changes life event only
Contribution Mid- throughout the plan year
When Are My HSA funds are available shortly Healthcare FSAs are fully
Savings Available after your payroll deduction funded and available for you
to Me? occurs; only funds that have to use as of January 1 or the
been payroll deducted and date you become eligible to
deposited to your account are participate
What Happens HSA funds always roll over The healthcare FSA is a “use
to Funds Unused from year to year it or lose it” beneit; however,
at the End of the Murphy Company allows a
Year? grace period extension through
March 31 of the following
calendar year
Murphy 11