Page 5 - Vidant Health 2021 Benefit Guide
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Vidant Health Benefits Guide


Vidant Health beneits are available to you if you’re Documentation Requirements for
actively at work, and assigned to a payroll classiication Dependents
of 0.5 FTE or higher.
If you enroll your spouse and/or eligible dependent
Your effective date of coverage is the irst day child(ren), when asked, you will need to provide
of the month following 30 days of continuous documentation to Vidant’s dependent veriication
employment in a beneits-eligible position. For the center to conirm their eligibility for coverage.
Employee Assistance Program, you are eligible on After you enroll, you will receive a packet from the
your date of hire. dependent veriication center to help guide you through
the process.
An enrollment window is provided each year so team
members can review and change their coverage(s) for Acceptable Forms of Documentation
the following year’s beneits plan, beginning Jan. 1. To Include:
take advantage of Vidant beneits, you must enroll by „ Marriage license for spouse.
the applicable deadline. „ Domestic partner attestation.

„ Birth certiicate for children.
Eligible Dependents „ First page of your most recent tax return listing

„ Your spouse. The term “spouse” means the eligible dependents (for spouse and/or children).
individual lawfully married to you. „ Court-ordered guardianship papers, adoption
„ Your domestic partner. Domestic partners must be papers or placement letter.
18 years of age or older and unmarried; not related
by blood in any manner that would prohibit legal „ Divorce decree to show parent/child relationship
marriage; have assumed mutual obligations for when names don’t match or to identify
the welfare and support of each other; have been responsibility for providing health coverage.
sharing a common residence and living together as a Keep in mind that an individual may not
couple in the same household; and each other’s sole be covered under the medical, dental,
domestic partner. vision, or life insurance plans as both

„ Your qualiied children under the age of 26. This a team member and a dependent. In
can be your biological son or daughter, stepson addition, an individual may not be
or stepdaughter, a legally adopted individual, an considered an eligible dependent for
more than one team member.
individual who is lawfully placed with you for legal
adoption and eligible foster children.
„ Your unmarried child who is disabled, living with
you, dependent on you for support and unable to
support himself/herself due to a mental or physical

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