Page 70 - reading 1
P. 70
Read the following passage, and then choose the best answer to each of the
questions that follow and mark it On your answer sheet.
Visitors to America are immediately struck by the tremendous numbers
of automobiles filling the highways and crowding the city streets. The
automobile, which has transformed the American way of life, is the most
indispensable workhorse of the family. During the week, the father drives
it to his job in the city, alone, or in a “car pool” arrangement with several
of his fellow workers. When he leaves it at home, his wife uses it
constantly to do errands, to haul groceries, to drive children to lessons
or appointments, to shops or swimming pools. On weekends, the family
drives out to the country for a picnic lunch or may take a trip of several
hundred miles. On vacations, no corner of the country is beyond the
family’s reach.
.ةنيدملا عراوش يف محدزتو ةعيرسلا قرطلا لأمت يتلا تارايسلا نم لئاهلا ددعلا روفلا ىلع مهلهذي اكريمأ راوز نإ •
اهدوقي ،عوبسلأا للاخو .ةرسلأل ةبسنلاب ةيمهأ رثكلأا ناصحلا يه ،يكريملأا ةايحلا بولسأ تريغ يتلا ،ةرايسلاو
امدنعو .لمعلا يف هئلامز نم ديدعلا عم "تارايسلا ةكراشم" بيترت يف وأ ،هدرفمب ،ةنيدملا يف هلمع ىلإ بلأا
وأ سوردلا ىلإ لافطلأا لقنل وأ ،ةلاقبلا لقنل وأ ،تامهملا ءادلأ رارمتساب هتجوز اهمدختست ،لزنملا يف اهكرتي
فير لا ىلإ ةرايسلاب ةرسلأا رفاست ،عوبسلأا ةياهن تلاطع يفو .ةحابسلا تامامح وأ رجاتملا ىلإ وأ ،ديعاوملا
نع ةديعب دلابلا نم ةيواز دجوت لا ،تازاجلإا يفو .لايملأا نم تائم ةدعل ةلحرب موقت دق وأ ةهزن يف ءادغلا لوانتل
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