Page 111 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 111

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)


             • In traditional IR spectroscopy, a dispersive  • FTIR  is  a  more  modern  technique  as  it
               monochromator prism is used to separate           employs  an  interferometer  instead  of
               infrared     light   into    its    different     monochromator prism to simultaneously

               wavelengths.                                      collect  data  over  a  wide  range  of
             • A detector then measures the intensity of         infrared wavelengths.
               each wavelength individually as it passes  • This  data  is  then  transformed  using  a
               through  the  sample  in  a  time-consuming       Fourier  algorithm  to  obtain  an  IR
               process.                                          spectrum.

             • Slower time of analysis                         • Faster time of analysis

             • Sample preparation is required                  • Little to No sample preparation is

             • Lower resolution & sensitivity                  • Higher resolution (sharper well resolved
                                                                 peaks) & sensitivity (lower sample
                                                                 concentrations could be analyzed)

            ❖  In pharmaceuticals, IR spectroscopy identifies drugs (by
               their specific function groups), excipients, and impurities to
               ensure drug quality.

            ❖  Infrared spectroscopy helps in assessing air quality, water
               contamination, and soil pollution by detecting pollutants as
               volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

            ❖  IR spectroscopy verifies food authenticity, detecting
               adulterants, and spoilage indicators.
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