Page 20 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
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Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)

               2. Systematic name (IUPAC/ Hantzsch-Widman)

                                     IUPAC name = locants +Prefix + suffix

                A- Monocyclic systems:

            The systematic names  for  three to  ten-membered monocyclic systems  containing

            one  or  more  heteroatom  are  based  on  the  Hantzsch-Widnman-system.    The

            following is a summary of the rules for systematic nomenclature:

            Rule 1:

                   a) The kind of heteroatom present is indicated by the prefix oxa-, thia-,  selena-,

            aza-,  phospha-,  sila-,  bora-,  ...  etc.  for  oxygen  ,  sulphur,  selenium,  nitrogen,

            phosphorus, silicon, and boron, respectively.

                   b) Multiplication of prefixes as dioxa-, dithia- and diaza- are used when the ring

            contains two oxygen, two sulphur or two nitrogen atoms.

                   c) When two or more different heteroatoms are present, preference is given first

            to the  highest  group  in  the periodic  table  and  then  to the  lowest  atomic  weight  as

            follows: Priority:   O > S > N.

                ➢  E.g. the prefix oxaza is used for one oxygen and one nitrogen and thiaza for

                    one sulphur and one nitrogen.
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