Page 47 - Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 2024-2025
P. 47

Clinical Pharmacy PharmD - 2024/2025                  Level 2                Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry-3 (PC 305)
            Chemical properties:

            •  It is very weak base.

            •  Indoles, like pyrroles, resinify under the effect of acids and form N-salts with alkali,

               which undergo different substitution reactions.

            •  Electrophilic substitution takes place in the  3-position (cf. pyrrole), but if this is

               occupied  then  the  2-position  is  substituted.    If  both  the  2-and  3-positions  are

               blocked, then the benzene ring is attacked at the 6-position.

                                                        4      3
                                                     5           2
                                                     6          1
                                                        7       N

                                            Sites of electrophilic attack

            •  The  transition  state  in  case  of  2-and  3-substitution  is  stabilized  through  the

               following resonance structures without disturbing the electrons in the benzene ring:

                                                    E +                      H
                                                  2-position             N   E

                                                                  H   E               H  E
                                        H          E +
                                                                    ..  +              +
                                                 3-position        N                   N
                                                                   H                   H

            •  Thus, fusion between benzene and pyrrole rings alters the position of reactivity

                towards electrophilic reagents of the pyrrole ring from position 2 to position 3.
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